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吉安翻译公司关键字:In the case of real estate continued warming, we must keep a clear mind, thought to be cold. Current major problems are:the supply structure is irrational, soaring housing prices. Since 2000, Qingdao Development Zone, housing prices rose 15.6% per year, high prices deviate from people's real purchasing power, constrained housing consumption growth. Rising house prices also increased the difficulty of the monetary reform of housing. real estate companies are not standardized, there are many hidden dangers. Unlawful and illegal sales of commercial housing, commercial area, "Duanjinqueliang" issues and problems occur in false advertising, real estate, more complaints. investing in the expansion, lack of risk awareness. In recent years, promising real estate development, has attracted many companies involved in the real estate industry, the region has 99 real estate development companies, of which four or more qualified business is only 41, the annual volume of 10,000 m2 development of the following enterprises accounted for more than 70%. In addition, less because of the current investment channels, some people see the preceding period of investment people have made money to buy a house, have also joined the ranks of real estate investment.In short, in order to prevent the emergence of a bubble in real estate development, should do: First, we must cherish the good momentum of development of the real estate market, people-oriented, demand for the center, increasing the scale of the industry, increase the degree of intensification, the real estate market continues to develop. The second is to conduct real estate development, corporate image to be further improved, the real estate business for the next round of competition will be the strength and brand competition. The third is to rectify and regulate the real estate market order, strengthen the legal system, intensify law enforcement to investigate and punish the real estate market in violation of laws and promote the real estate market is healthy and sustainable development.