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赣州翻译公司关键字:② the quality of all aspects of real estate companies stronger. The average age of the region's real estate business managers was 44.5 years old, the age structure is better; senior titles account for 20.2%, intermediate grade accounting for 62.9%; graduate education accounted for 2.6%, 37.5% bachelor's degree, post-secondary education accounted for 49.5%.real estate enterprises' focus on quality, the pursuit of the brand "strategy. Construction of a number of modern, large-scale, landscape-oriented, intelligent, high-end model residential district, such as the development zone of Qingdao Tiantai Sunshine Coast, Millennium Dragon Garden, Oriental Garden, Rhine Garden, bird area, such as stone, quality has become the lifeblood of the real estate business.(6) environmental factors. The first major national brand name companies have settled in Qingdao Development Zone, to establish their own industrial park. The second is the construction of bonded maturing port westward, the former Bay Port Project continues to expand, increase import and export business. Such as the September 1, 2003, Qingdao import and export value (excluding the central, provincial companies) to $ 12.67 billion, compared with growth of 26.4% over the same period in 2002, of which exports $ 7.32 billion, up 22.8%; total imports 53.5 billion, up 31.7%, greatly promoted the development zone real estate career.Qingdao Development Zone, the future development of real estate trend analysisAt present, Qingdao Development Zone, the real estate market demand for investment and consumption demands are relatively strong, supported by six real estate development will remain an important factor play an important role.First, the state will continue to expand domestic demand to implement and achieve economic stability and rapid economic growth policy. Second, the Qingdao municipal government has identified the strategic decision-making and strategic objectives, major brand-name enterprises settled in Qingdao Development Zone, the modernization drive, the national economy will maintain rapid growth. Third, the currency allocation of housing will gradually open. Fourth, the region from 2003 onwards in accordance with the "unified planning, rational distribution, multiple integration, group development" approach, transformation of old year will not yet implemented the integration of nearly 100 villages in 20 residential areas. Highlights of 2003 started the construction of five demonstration residential area, total building area of ??800 million m2, of which the auction area of ??commercial housing construction area of ??500 m2, the construction period of 3 to 5 years of residential development area of ??the end of at least 100 million m2.2002 Qingdao Development Zone residents per capita housing area less than 25m2, real estate development is still great. Especially with the