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抚州翻译公司关键字:Why Qingdao Development Zone Gouxiaoliangwang real estate market to maintain the good momentum? From the economy, urbanization, reform, policy, business and the environment to analyze the causes of six.(1) economic factors. Positive social and economic development, rapid increase in income. 1 October 2003, Qingdao Development Zone GDP 17.23 billion yuan, an increase of 31.8%, of which, the primary industry was 2.8 billion yuan, up 3.7%; the secondary industry was 11.1 billion yuan, an increase of 26.5%; the tertiary industry was 58.5 billion yuan, up 46.3%. region's rapid economic development and rapid increase people's income, for the rapid development of the real estate market provides a reliable foundation for the development.(2) urbanization factors. Urbanization is a real estate development of intrinsic motivation. Qingdao rapid urban construction in recent years to seize the country's proactive fiscal policy, the opportunity to expand domestic demand, combined with the Ninth Five Year Plan identified development goals and tasks, focusing on the main city and secondary cities and important new area development and construction of infrastructure construction, urban shantytowns and the key to adjust the replacement site, the initial formation of ring plastic prototype Bay development group for the realization of long-term planning to lay a good foundation. Qingdao municipal government has identified the "development of the port, marine and tourism economic characteristics of the main economic center of the economic development of Qingdao, Qingdao Development Zone to fully transfer" strategic decision, that "advance the west coast of Qingdao economic development focus to build "The strategic goal, which undoubtedly shows the city of Qingdao Development Zone and economic development will be the top priority.the reform of factors. Housing system reform progress. Development of people for housing is to establish the concept of goods than the earlier, housing for older people to accept. Sale of public housing, the establishment of housing provident fund system of housing reform measures to further the formation of a new urban concept of housing consumption, but also for the real estate market provided the initial material basis - start-up capital and consumers. policy considerations. Introduced at all levels of Government to formulate policies, in particular, the relaxation of state housing finance policy is to promote housing as a new economic growth points and hot spots of strong consumer support. In addition to the relevant policies have been promulgated, but has also introduced a series of home buyers to attract investment and foreign residents living in incentives.real estate business factors. Are: real estate development enterprises a flexible mechanism. Qingdao Development Zone in recent years the real estate economy, the rapid growth of private economic sectors, the activation of the entire real estate market operation mechanism. Real estate development company with a flexible mechanism, meticulous style and excellent sales, competition in the market to win, becoming the city's brand real estate companies.