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镇江翻译公司关键字:Real estate development and investment continued to grow rapidly. The region's real estate development projects in 2002 amounted to 1.471 billion yuan investment, accounting 14.75% 20.87% increase over 2001, higher than the city an increase of nearly 9 percentage points, a significant economic boost effect. Among them, the residential investment 977 million yuan project is completed, an increase of 25.9%, accounting for the total investment in real estate development 66.41%; office buildings, office projects completed investment 068 million yuan, accounting for 4.59%; commercial space business investment 359 million yuan to complete the project, accounted for 24.42%; invest 067 million yuan to complete other projects, accounting for 4.58%, the investment structure was further optimized, industry leading role enhanced.(2) the supply of commercial housing sales booming. The real estate market with the development of the rapid growth of investment, real estate sales market has maintained strong momentum. In 2002 the region's housing development area of ??2,108,100 m2, the total development of the city's total amount of l 5.02%, 15.01% increase over 2001, an increase of 11 percentage points higher than the city. New development area 96.3l million m2, accounting for 16.54% of the city, and in 2001 was essentially flat. Completed in an area of ??704,600 housing m2, accounting for 12.4% of the city, down 27.55% compared to 2001 which, residential area 443,700 m2, accounting for 9.97% of the city, down 34.41% compared to 2001. Because of the impact of land policy, housing certain decline in real estate development area, 1 June 2003 real estate development area was 50.6 million m2, compared with same period in 2002 decreased by 6.3% but with the adjustment of land for construction in place, the land submitted for approval to shorten the cycle, especially the regional urbanization acceleration of the process, Qingdao Development Zone, real estate development potential remains strong.(3) the proportion of individuals to purchase increased year by year. 2002 housing sales area of ??558,600 m2, the city's total of 11.78%, 23.09% increase over 2001, of which residential sales area of ??465,100 m2, up 12.61%.(4) a significant reduction in vacant housing, vacancy rate, maintained at a reasonable range. From the look of vacant commercial space, according to statistics, vacant housing has been further digestion, the region in 2002 vacant housing area of ??240,900 m2, the city's total of 22.97%, compared to 2001 decreased by 16.33% from the above data can be seen near real estate investment a few years the rapid growth of Qingdao Development Zone, booming demand and supply, the development is basically sound.2, Qingdao Development Zone, the real estate market to maintain the cause of Gouxiaoliangwang