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徐州翻译公司关键字:difficulties caused by low levels of construction industry, capital, fixed assets per capita in 2005 was 2.8 million, only the first secondary industry average of 112,400 yuan a quarter. And secondary industry compared to other industries, due to the low level of capital per capita, labor productivity in construction industry, naturally low in 40 industries in the penultimate 8-bit, per capita labor productivity (in output) being 11.7 million and per capita is far lower than the national industry average of 239,000.Professional and technical personnel ratio is not high, the low level of industry revenueConstruction companies is not high quality of workers, professional and technical personnel was low. According to the caliber of employees, construction industry and technical personnel ratio of 4.6%, just above the animal husbandry and fishery, resident services, wholesale and retail food industry and other three industries, ranked fourth from the bottom.Lower income levels, construction industry, workers in 2004 to 14,338 yuan annual income, just above the animal husbandry and fishery, and accommodation and catering industry, the industry is the highest annual income of 35%.Inadequate investment in technological innovation, long-term effects will enhance the competitiveness of the industryConstruction industry, profit and high debt ratios, leading the industry into a serious shortage of science and technology basic reasons. In addition, companies rely on proprietary technology and market-leading enterprise standard sense is not strong enough. Many construction companies lack the know-proprietary and patented technology, technology, competitive advantage is not strong. Or between construction companies and research institutions, between institutions related to technological innovation has not yet formed a good cooperation mechanism. At the same time the policy of the construction industry, the lack of effective incentives for technological innovation, intellectual property protection is not enough. These will affect the industry in the long-term competitiveness.Enterprise restructuring long way to goIn recent years, the construction company has made some progress in restructuring, private enterprises have become the main force in the industry. Currently the number of private enterprises accounted for 74.5% of all enterprises, the output value accounted for 68% of employees accounted for 66%, but as the industry's key strength of a single state-owned enterprise property rights, financial risk outstanding issues such as restricting the industry's future is still the main sustainable development factors, especially the central and provincial large-scale state-owned construction enterprises is lagging behind the property rights system reform issues outstanding. Over the past decade, the share of state-owned enterprises declined from 31%