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泰州翻译公司关键字:From the point of employment structure in 2002, construction industry employment in the non-agricultural employment, following the manufacturing, wholesale and retail food and beverage industry, the third place; attract 2002 to 3893 people employed, accounting for all non- agricultural industry employed 12.4% non-agricultural employment in manufacturing in the first place, accounting for 26.5%.However, if the dynamic period from 1995 to 2002, the incremental structure of employment, because from 1995 to 2000 in a downward economy (GDP growth slowed sharply) cycle, manufacturing, mining and other employment has been negative for situation, the wholesale and retail food industry, construction and social services to ensure that non-agricultural employment show growth of the "anchor" function, respectively, provides a new non-agricultural jobs, 35%, 30% and 20% of construction industry to absorb the large number of rural surplus labor at the same time, increase farmers' income, promoting urban and rural development, maintaining social stability has played a positive role.Construction industry as "bitter, tired, dirty," etc., to absorb the labor of migrant workers, mostly from trade diversion, or other hard labor surplus staff. In 2005 the number of workers to the formal construction of about 8.54 million, industry employment to 4383 people, the informal workers reached 3529 million. According to the analysis estimated that in recent years, construction industry to absorb the average annual increase in the number of migrant workers, 100 million to 200 million people, linking urban and rural construction has become an important link between economic one.Construction industry continued rapid development of the national economy is a major remainingInto the present century of our national economy entered a new round of growth period, fixed asset investment growth, investment accounted for the rising proportion of national output. Construction area and construction area showed a significant growth in employment. It should be said, the upsurge of the national economy for the construction industry provides a very good market economy environment. However, the output share of the construction industry, not only did not rise significantly, and even decreased, which is a "strange" phenomenon.Result of this "strange" phenomenon is due to: increased demand for construction products is certainly fast, but the supply of construction capacity to grow faster. As the construction industry is labor-intensive industries, the main inputs is simple labor, while the rural surplus labor and a large number of hidden unemployed there, so that labor supply almost "unlimited." In 1995 to 2002, all sectors of society-wide average annual wage increased by 12.8%, while construction wages rose by only 8.6% relative to the supply capacity of construction industry, construction design, consultation, supervision and construction materials, machinery and equipment elasticity of supply of investment goods such as much smaller. Therefore, since 2000