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苏州翻译公司关键字:As a pillar industry in construction, in China's industrialization and urbanization process, not only status has increased, because of its huge rural surplus labor force to absorb the role of social and economic stability has become crucial. However, the construction industry, there are low profits, heavy debt burden, inadequate investment in technological innovation, the law is not perfect, market disorder and other issues, construction industry to achieve healthy and sustainable development, the need to strengthen the market consolidation, the need to vigorously promote the reform of enterprises, countries need to actively seek and support the relevant preferential policies. Also need to strengthen self-discipline, strengthen the construction industry associations.Construction industry development achievements and the difficulties faced by the text / Construction Management Association of ChinaSince reform and opening, China's construction industry as the first field of urban economic reform, from a planned economy to market economy in the process, the first to bear the cost of institutional change brought about by, and the reform of other industries valuable experience, the market is already one of the industries highest level.Construction industry development achievements and characteristicsConstruction industry is an important pillar of economic development, industrialWith the rapid development of China's economic construction and the massive growth in fixed asset investment, construction industry, a pillar in the national economy is becoming increasingly apparent. According to 2005 data analysis in 20 industries in the national economy, the construction industry ranked fifth, accounting for 5.4% of China's GDP share. From historical data, construction value added of 13.82 billion yuan from 1978 to 2005, the development of 1.0134 trillion yuan, an average annual increase of 17%, to become an important pillar industry of national economy. In addition to the early 1990s, short-term fluctuations, the construction value added in GDP has maintained a 5% to 6% of the share, pillars of our economy is very stable. In addition, the construction industry but also for the country each year to create U.S. $ 30 billion of foreign exchange earnings, is China's foreign trade and economic cooperation as an important force.International experience shows that: in the acceleration of industrialization, urbanization period, significantly faster economic growth, the proportion of fixed-asset investment rose rapidly, building and construction industry as a pillar industry of national economy, the position will continue to increase. China is still in the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization, the rising period, the share of construction industry output will further increase in the construction industry's position in the national economy will be further improved and strengthened.Construction area is China's industrialization and urbanization process important social "stability" linkChina the largest developing country there is a distinctive feature of the dual economy. In China's industrialization and urbanization process has taken place and will continue to place a large number of rural labor into non-agricultural industries, as well as the rural population into urban population. New jobs over the past decade according to statistics, construction industry, creating jobs constitute the most stable one of the areas.