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宿迁翻译公司关键字:The land value-added tax in terms of tax incentives will help guide the setting of real estate investment and development companies rationalize the structure. The land value-added tax in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance, the taxpayer build common standards for residential sale, its value added does not exceed 20% of the amount of deduction, exemption from land tax. This will inhibit the development of high-end housing of the blind guide the development of ordinary residential real estate, low-profit housing or affordable housing, reasonable adjustments to the supply structure of commercial housing, to meet different income levels, especially in low-level needs of consumers, real estate market, a favorable impact on overall prices. Real estate and only choice as the main consumer of their service orientation, in order to be sustained and healthy development.After the formal introduction of land value increment tax, will regulate the transfer of real estate income is too high, to curb real estate speculation, profiteering behavior, equilibrium price, the right to guide the direction of real estate investment and development, protection in the normal development of the real estate business real estate legitimate rights and interests, to promote real estate development and the healthy development of the real estate market, this positive effect. Of course, the land value increment tax levy will cause real estate prices continue to rise, makes a substantial increase in costs in some industries, especially if the collection of the supporting measures are not in place, developers in the range of about 20% of the cost may be bigger relatively large, if the developers will be able to raise prices while costs do go up, will further weaken the effect of land value increment tax due, this negative effect. Therefore, the introduction of land value increment tax, the state should continue to take a scientific macro-control policies, the real estate industry so as to promote sustained, rapid, stable and healthy development, and achieving the country's overall economic development policy, "is China's current real estate important pillar industry and consumer hot spots, both in its development firm resolve outstanding issues, but also a firm to promote its stable development. "