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南京翻译公司关键字:Prices should be government owned public policy objectives of the real estate market, also reflects the policy makers involved in land value-added distribution of income and reap the benefits of thinking will. First, in accordance with the principles of social equity, land prices or rents the natural value of nature is completely unearned interest, so the landlord entitled to possession of this benefit alone, or, contrary to social justice, fails to social justice. Second, according to the principle of contribution, the premium increase is due to population growth, economic development, social progress and other socio-economic factors, all of society's contribution to each pot, thus bringing the rent increase must be attributed to society as a whole. Third, according to the principle of public interest. Some will be turned over to public land prices, could increase state revenues, and use it to set up a variety of public welfare, improve the social welfare of all citizens and living standards. The purpose of the land value-added tax levied on the natural price of land is all owned by the public, so to maximize the utility, location sharing, regulate the land, the real estate market order, a reasonable adjustment of land value-added benefits, safeguard national interests, to promote the real estate industry healthy development. With the continued economic prosperity, and the accelerated pace of urbanization, land value-added amazing. As a result, many developers are hoarding enclosure. Although the state does not get to develop within two years after the state the right to withdraw, but because of some developers and local governments close relationship between the implementation of this provision is not satisfactory. Once the imposition of land value increment tax, not only affect the developer's earnings expectations, and would put pressure on developers, financial chain, which will force them to intensify efforts to develop, increase availability, improve the supply and demand to some extent.Therefore, we can predict, in strengthening the land tax collection, the real estate industry is necessary to consider the formation of market competition on price limits, but also consider the value-added tax burden caused by high amplitude, will be more rational to identify industry and corporate profits, and thus the supply of goods on the real estate market, play an active role in macro-control.2. The real estate market affecting demand for commodities: curb speculation in real estate speculation, the personal consumption become more rational.