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濮阳翻译公司关键字:The bank's interest rate policy, real estate developers or investors, are negligible. This notice does not fundamentally change the nature of bank loans were easy to make the housing needs of the people at the emergence of false prosperity, not ability to pay a lot of people have entered the real estate market, led to the development of China's real estate market was far more than a few years other countries to develop the real estate market for several years. Developed real estate market for several years, the rate from the point of view held by individual housing, France and Germany only 30% -40%, the United States only 68% compared with 85% of Beijing, Shanghai was 81%. The short term, its little effect on the regulation of prices, the long term, will be effective depends on its long-term policy, as well as how much to regulate interest rates. Summer of 2004, a slight increase in the Bank of England interest rate 1.5%, UK house prices began to fall. Whether we'll be gradually liberalized lending rates, a flexible and effective financial means to control the supply and demand, will influence the trend of prices in China. Whether the government to raise interest rates, or increase in the consumption of housing loan interest rates, to some extent, are the needs for housing, but housing prices are the result of the housing supply and demand. Price regulation to be highly concerned about the supply and demand changes in the real estate market, in particular, always pay attention to price changes, including pre-sale price, second-hand housing transaction price and rental price changes. High prices in many countries is the most powerful evidence of excessive prices and rents deviation. China should also include the establishment of a rental property than monitoring early warning indicators, including timely, accurate and comprehensive information to the community in order to achieve a basic balance between supply and demand, supply and demand structure is reasonable. To avoid price increases into prices - as expected - and then the vicious cycle of price increases. Banks should purchase for different types and quantities of the implementation of different loan rates, such as reducing the ordinary housing loan interest rates, lending rates increase, raising the personal purchase of second homes, including multi-housing units such as down payment and interest rates . Therefore, the Government's macro-control on the real estate market, mainly to adjust the real estate market supply and demand, not supply and demand should be separated. Housing is essential that people's basic subsistence, housing is a major social and economic problems, this issue is resolved, good or bad, is directly related to a country's stability and economic development. The housing market not only need to rely on market regulation program, and need to plan for regulation. Price is the core of the housing market, has always been the focus of widespread concern. The price level, and the rising rate and people's lives, how to control, has become a national issue