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平顶山翻译公司关键字:introduced a lot about the real estate market regulation policy, basically out of the way that the micro instead of macro-control administration set pattern. Whether it is 2004, the government-controlled land and bank loans, real estate or the New Deal in 2005, the "control" means, such as speculation against the real estate market, consolidation of market behavior, adjust the residential structure, which means the government regulate the real estate market's basic functions, but in fact these are not macro, but micro-administrative means, just to curb overheated sectors of development.Reduce the stability of prices does not mean that the absolute price of real estateAbsolute price level of property can not explain the rational or not, determined by the market price level only shows the status of its price, is not a reasonable price. Judge the price is reasonable or not, can not just look at its price level, only the prices and incomes of residents, the core of its value compared with its more dynamic changes; only the content of their housing, and housing quality and the environment is , in comparison to before being identified. As people's living standards improve, people living in increasingly high demand for environmental quality, buy a house not only consider the price of housing, more desirable community to live a good human environment, housing construction is also comfort from survival mode to change. Such as Wuhan, Wuchang District, all the way up in house prices is not only economic development, as well as the presence of a large number of institutions of higher education, a good cultural environment, all promising to bring housing prices edge conditions. And the housing itself is a combination of phase with the area, leaving the location makes no sense to talk about prices. Can be seen, to some extent, the comparability of prices relatively poor, and with recent years, housing costs, housing prices also contributed to one of the reasons, because the price determined by supply and demand can not be lower in housing cost.Price regulation does not mean that the short term to reduce the rate of housing pricesAccording to the current real estate developers and the local government's understanding of the stability of domestic prices is the rise in house prices remain at a certain rate, rather than falling prices. Price stability is the stability of housing prices increase. But the price control policy has a certain lag, which is the policy in recent years, the result of short-term nature. Government regulation introduced in 2004, only control of land and bank credit, only to curb overheated sectors of development. Land supply policy bias and out of touch, intensified the contradiction between supply and demand of land, but has rapidly advanced the price increases. Such as the December 18, 2003, the Ministry issued a "clean all types of park land on land supply control to enhance the emergency notice", which calls for stopping the supply of land for villa, this type of land for the product and the market is clearly the law of restrictive policies contrary, to deny some high-income groups on the demand for high-end products, which resulted in the country house gets going, the sales situation is excellent, the sales prices soaring.