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伊春翻译公司专业项目团队真诚服务伊春市、伊春区、南岔区、友好区、西林区、翠峦区、新青区、美溪区、金山屯区、五营区、乌马河区、汤旺河区、带岭区、乌伊岭区、红星区 上甘岭区、铁力市、嘉荫县
伊春翻译公司关键字:With the rapid development of China's real estate market, real estate companies will face the choice of revenue model. In this paper, the pattern of benefits to property sales, property rental revenue model, the concept of hybrid revenue model and characteristics were compared. Secondly, through the Hong Kong Sun Hung Kai Properties company case studies, demonstration of the Hong Kong real estate market has matured and the adjustment period, the hybrid revenue model to improve business flexibility and enhance earnings stability, and other areas. This paper argues that mixed income model from long-term sustainable development is to seek the best choice for enterprises. Keywords: Property sales Property rental revenue model in Hong KongThe concept of different revenue model and featuresFrom around the world to see, to property development and investment real estate company with main business income of three typical modes: one is from property sales model; the other is the rental revenue model; The third is a mixed revenue model .The revenue model defines the concept ofThe so-called "property sales model" refers to real estate enterprises to raise funds to purchase land, design and construction, marketing and other aspects, the final way to sell real estate for investment income; so-called "property rental income model" refers to the real estate business on their own development and construction or purchase of property ownership, directly, through the publicity and promotion, investment negotiations and signed the lease and other sectors, ultimately to lease for real estate investment income; so-called "mixed income model" is a combination of the first two revenue model is a types of property sales and leasing of both the revenue model.It is clear from the pattern of benefits under this article does not address the specific development project or property types, but rather a dynamic real estate company in the market development process, in order to obtain good operating performance and long-term revenue opportunities for the selected mode.Comparative analysis of revenue modelDifferent revenue model of the real estate business have different effects on business performance, Table 1 from the variousmodes of property sales and property rental revenue model for comparison. Ownership of property sales in the sales model is completed, the ownership of the property transferred to the buyer's hands, so companies do not have access to real estate property ownership. Reflected in the corporate assets of the major projects in construction. On the contrary, property rental income model retains the ownership of the real estate business on the property, all rental properties are the business's assets. Cash flow rate of property sales model, a one-time realization of the property value, so you can immediately put to the investment income to expand production process, the model effectively improve the cash flow rate. In contrast, property rental revenue model, the value of the property to achieve in the long term, cash flow is relatively slow.