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绥化翻译公司关键字:Our country is public ownership of state land, the city government on behalf of the State to exercise ownership of the city-owned land, this land use policy for the city government to provide regulation of the real estate market, private ownership of land than the more convenient system of economic conditions. On the market is in rapid process of Hangzhou real estate economy, drawing on international experience, use tax, financial and other economic policy instruments and the right guidance, support, stability, development of the real estate market in Hangzhou is the Government can not shirk responsibility.Follow the development of the market created real estate investment environmentAs a real estate market, its development is the law of supply and demand market forces to effect the results. First, from the perspective of housing affordability, Hangzhou total economy has maintained rapid growth in recent years, per capita disposable income of urban residents increased year by year, so that the public greatly improved housing affordability; from the consumption structure analysis, with the Hangzhou Economic Development and Real Estate market development, Hangzhou real estate consumption structure has undergone significant changes, the real estate consumer from the original "live" to "enjoy" change, the original one-time purchase, the concept of step changes, the second set industry, consumer groups, three home gradually expanded; from the perspective of supply and demand, according to Hangzhou, the Housing Authority case studies suggest that the current net investment buyers accounted for only 10% of the actual residence for first-time buyers accounted for 40 %, for the improvement of living conditions of the second home buyers accounted for 50%. Explain most of the residents of the property is purchased in accordance with actual needs; brand analysis from Hangzhou, Hangzhou, in recent years, efforts to create "live in Hangzhou" brand, and received the "UN Habitat Award" and "International Garden City" , become the preferred home of one of the cities. Enhance the attractiveness of the city, so has a strong private capital have settled in the provincial capital of Zhejiang, the market demand is strong. Overall, Hangzhou, healthy real estate market is still in development stage.Macroeconomic and Hangzhou the next few years the economic situation continues to improve. Sound operation of the national economy and the steady growth of income, so that effective demand Hangzhou real estate market to continue to maintain strong momentum of development. In this situation, the economy, the real estate economy on the real estate market in Hangzhou capacity of stronger regulation, will help to adjust the government, banks, investors and buyers interests of all parties.