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佳木斯翻译公司关键字:operations, whether it is real estate development, asset management, ultimately the profitability of business operations need to reflect. Commercial operators take the dominant position of commercial real estate operation has the following advantages: commercial operators leading the project site and pre-planning, for the latter part of the success of business operations provide a good foundation; business operations more stability and continuity; assets and business operations can be coupling operations, not just to real estate as a carrier, can broaden the channels of commercial real estate assets and means of operation.Below the Ego commercial real estate model, for example, analyzing the dominant commercial operators specific circumstances. Ego is a professional digital-based chain of business, IT blue real estate, IT network information for the core business, integration of IT-related industries in one large national IT group. The commercial real estate specific business model in the following areas:Real Estate coupling: Ego early adopters leasing, and other forms of the brand to achieve business expansion of output; in recent years, gradually taking the acquisition, joint development and other forms of commercial real estate operations into the front, directly on the real estate developers in the asset coupled occupy the leading commercial real estate operations position. In: participate in and lead the siting of commercial properties; and developers with assets in the form of the formation of strong coupling; at the beginning of the project developer and the developer to establish a sound exit mechanism, after the completion of the project to obtain the right to dispose of assets. Capital Management: Ego through acquisition, joint development and other forms of access to housing, the right disposition, and on this basis, the establishment of both commercial business and property assets, capital operation mode.Ego sum capital operation mode, the following main points: assets involved in commercial real estate development, building and improving developer exit mechanism, the developer of the capital cycle to complete (and get a reasonable return on investment); part of property assets through sale, mortgage, the introduction of business-type loans or other forms of investment trusts, asset investment balance early; some long-held property, going through a continuum of business income, property value, to satisfy investors, the trust fund investment returns.