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黑河翻译公司关键字:In this paper, the composition of commercial real estate operations start, the system analyzes the characteristics of commercial real estate operations, the reality of several commercial real estate business model for the theoretical analysis, that the operation should be based on commercial real estate business as the core capital as a lever to achieve business strong coupling with real estate, and from the empirical point of view, the Ego commercial real estate model of the theoretical interpretation of the feasibility of actual operation.Keywords: commercial real estate property type business model capital operation mode Wanda model shops EgoWith the rapid development of China's commercial real estate, and commercial real estate-related theory has become a new academic subject. Currently in the field of commercial real estate, "Wanda order model" style shops selling commercial real estate property business model, real estate investment trust, and so on.This paper argues that commercial real estate operations is a systems engineering, and commercial real estate operations from the composition analysis, combining success stories and specific practice, from a system point of view of commercial real estate business model was studied, and made a commercial operator of commercial real estate operations accounted for dominance of new commercial real estate business model.Composition of commercial real estate operationsForm part of commercial real estate operationsThis paper argues that aspects of commercial real estate operations to be mainly by the real estate development, commercial operations and capital operation three composition. The overall operations in the commercial real estate, business is the core and essence of the project's success or failure ultimately depends on the success of their business operations; real estate development is the foundation and performance, including not get to the real estate development and construction, attached to its commercial operations on the lose the necessary foundation and support; clues and capital operation is the purpose of various aspects of commercial real estate operations achieved by the coupling of capital operation, and any commercial projects are based on sound for the ultimate purpose of capital operation.Commercial real estate operations constitute the mainAccording to operational aspects of the composition of the corresponding operator of the subject should include real estate developers, business operators and capital operators. Actual operations in the commercial real estate, the phenomenon may be the main overlap, the more common real estate developers also assume the role of capital operators, and assume some of the commercial operators work, and this is a commercial real estate operations at this stage notable features.Commercial real estate operations in the common modeDominated by real estate developersDominated by the so-called real estate developers, real estate developers in addition is complete the real estate development, participation in the project site, the choice of commercial operators, and leading the entire operation process of capital operation.