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鹤岗翻译公司关键字:4PL concept originally developed by the United States Anderson Consulting (AndersenConsulting) in 1998 proposed and carried out a proprietary service mark registration, the U.S. economist John Gattorna logistics first put forward in his book definition of Fourth Party Logistics: "fourth-party logistics supplier is a supply chain integrator, its in-house and with complementary service providers have different resources, capabilities and technology integration and management, and provide a complete set of supply chain solutions the program. "so-called" general contractor "or" lead logistics service provider. " Visible, the fourth party logistics is actually based on the whole supply chain management concept is further integration of logistics resources. It brings together all aspects of technical resources, information resources and human resources, from the macro, meso and micro perspective of the logistics and other operations analysis and logistics management, supply chain to provide an effective overall solution. The advantages can be summarized as: providing a comprehensive supply chain solutions to effectively meet the diverse and complex demand-side needs to focus all resources to our customers the perfect solution to the problem; through the entire supply chain to increase the value of that the whole supply chain can bring benefits to customers.In the 4PL concept has not been completely digested academic occasion, recently appeared in the fifth party logistics (5PL) concept and controversy, some people think that it is engaged in the business side of training, some people think it should be designed for first-, second-, third-party and fourth party logistics information platform to provide, supply chain logistics system optimization, supply chain integration, supply chain and other value-added services capital operational activities. From self to the enterprise's logistics 3PL, 4PL and then 5PL, these changes really mean? This seems to indicate the supply chain revolution, the time has come. However, I believe, this is not a simple substitutes. Enterprise's logistics business is the operation in-house or using outsourcing, is the use of 3PL, 4PL or a 5PL, depending on the size of transaction costs. Internal organization costs, the use of market and cost also need to commission contract - information search costs, the cost of price discovery, negotiation costs, contract costs. Profit-maximizing motives decision of the enterprise is always to choose a minimum cost model to complete their logistics operations. Different size, nature of the enterprises are facing the situation is different, so the logistics operation may choose different patterns and levels. Traditional logistics, 3PL, 4PL and 5PL is just as different companies offer different optional contract logistics operations, the result of spontaneous evolution of the market. Therefore, both the traditional logistics, 3PL, 4PL or 5PL, very little in the short term a new model will not lead to the emergence of another mode of disappearance of the old. The real world the situation is more realistic: the coexistence of various logistics mode of collaboration to meet the needs of different size and nature of the business organization's diverse needs