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大庆翻译公司关键字:to strengthen the Government's macro-control efforts of commercial real estateLocalities should pay close attention to the development of urban commercial network planning. In the case of a market economy, commercial real estate development of its regularity, commercial outlets, especially large commercial networks should be consistent with the law, in China's commercial network layout where there was a serious randomness and disorder. We should be around the level of economic development and the city's functional orientation to develop local commercial real estate network planning. Now the blind development of many projects is the lack of understanding of the market and the overall layout of the scientific planning, such as shopping malls, and now the country has been built and 263 under construction there, the whole area should have been more than thirty million square meters, the backlog has been a 150 billion-170 billion of funds. Is not every place needs, are able, should be built shopping center it? Actually shopping center, we must take into account the needs of economic development. Under normal circumstances, $ 1,000 per capita of the city not to consider shopping center building. In the 1000-3000 U.S. dollars per capita can be appropriate pilot, which means that there are some major cities have reached twenty thousand revenue that can be engaged in the pilot. 3000-5000 U.S. dollars should be said that the initial development of our shopping centers, such as Beijing, Shanghai has entered this period. More than 5,000 into the development period, more than 10,000 entered the mature stage. We should be issued by commercial real estate network planning and implementation, so that the layout of the distribution of commercial real estate is more reasonable, so the risk of commercial real estate development in order to reduce to a minimum. In addition to raising the threshold of commercial real estate development, so a good strong brand to enter the commercial real estate developers. Also, pay attention to the business of financing commercial real estate, also further regulate the sale of lease development model, on the introduction of after-sales also generally require developers to rent payable to the buyers of the future fixed rate of return, there must be asset-backed, or secured with other businesses to ensure that the interests of future buyers. to strengthen the theory of commercial real estateBusiness has its laws, real estate has its own rules, operating commercial real estate the two must combine the two will be separated from a lot of problems, therefore, need to increase the theoretical study of commercial real estate, and speed up training a number of real estate thinker but also understands the complexities of commercial real estate business people, so as to better promote the healthy development of commercial real estate.