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张家口翻译公司关键字:Most of the commercial real estate in foreign countries is supported by the operation of market funds. 199 funds in the United States and 171 publicly traded fund has invested more than half the national mall, Japan and South America the situation is similar in Europe and Southeast Asia, mostly by professional shopping mall developer using its own funds to develop the . Moreover, China's commercial real estate financing channels is still relatively simple, mainly from indirect financing channels, namely, bank loans, direct financing channels, not more. Dependent on the national level of bank credit to industry, 70% to 80%, while some large cities the developer of the dependence of bank credit funds more than 90%.Financing problem is not solved, the problem short-term operation of commercial real estate can not be fundamentally solved. At present, China can learn from some developed countries (or regions) commercial real estate development and management of successful experience, the introduction of real estate investment trust (REIT) development model. Operation should first be with the intention of commercial real estate development or investment trust companies and banks and other departments to set up REIT. At this point, REIT generally used in the form of joint-stock company or trust (also direct access to existing REIT), beneficiary certificates issued by the REIT to raise funds from investors in commercial real estate development projects, and delegate or hire professional bodies and personnel to the commercial real estate to implement specific management.the timely introduction of professional intermediaries operatingCommercial real estate development is a systematic project, involving all aspects, in addition to encourage commercial businesses and powerful combination of real estate business, but also through the constant improvement of the market economy, attract and develop the necessary intermediary agents, such as professional property manager, trust funds and other investors. These professional organizations play a bigger and stronger market role of the bridge beams and lubricants. Only real estate developers, investors, retailers and management of all business collaboration, in order to make commercial real estate project ownership, management rights, management rights are protected, so that the interests of all parties have been effectively achieved. promoting integration of commercial capital and real estate capitalThe so-called commercial capital and real estate capital refers to a fusion of both companies are also engaged in commercial real estate development business. Basically, commercial real estate in the world are two forms of development, one is European and American forms of commercial real estate with separate out each of the one engaged in investment and development, engage in a follow-up operation. Japan is gradually implement a combination of both, mutual penetration of capital, the establishment of risk, so help to promote better development between the two. What kind of approach we use to promote the development of our commercial real estate has yet to be explored further. China has recently been involved in many large retail real estate development, and also the introduction of retail real estate industry, this combination of capital penetration, there may be a direction to explore, to solve the commercial real estate development issues in the short-term operation will play a positive role.