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邢台翻译公司关键字:pause and exchange demand, it will inevitably lead to commercial real estate operational difficulties late late commercial real estate operational difficulties, the scale advantages of hard to play. Short-term commercial real estate in the current mode of operation, the developers always want to sell the property as soon as possible to return the funds as soon as possible. Once the split zero-sell commercial real estate, ownership and management of distributed ownership of property owners or tenants, developers have no right to interfere. Therefore, in follow-up management of commercial real estate developers often lack the overall control of the project. On the shop-owners, the owners of both owner and operator may be, their right to control their own shops. And when the owners once more to rent their own interests from the point of view, is more inclined to shop premises to a high rent tenants, regardless of operating projects or types of products, quality, difficult to take into account the overall impact of the tenants, which will form a number of formats, shops, business projects simple random pieced together, will inevitably result in large-scale shopping center management and distribution of disorder, featureless, overlapping projects, disorganized, incomplete services, let alone a good corporate image and efficiency .Even in the sale leaseback of the model, the developer or management company for many small business owners have some control on the right, but as it relates to the developer (or manager), owners and operators of the tripartite relationship, interest becomes very complex, dealing with some problems, such as in the daily marketing, property renovation, etc. related cost-sharing to who, how many, etc., is very difficult, which will affect the development potential of the project.Likely to cause economic disputes, causing social problems. Retail buyers to spend huge sums of money to buy the shop, once the target relative to the discovery and far, their discontent will grow. Especially in the form of sale leaseback, an extension to solve the problem very easily lead to economic disputes, causing social problems. Business is low-profit industry, and its developers failed to reach the average profit margin of 8% -10% commitment of the rebate, and even many retail projects fail to be leased, then, a huge deficit do not know who is out, we know that business is real estate development project business, once the project is done, the company is likely to dissolve, and a large number of small owners often will find the last government, which lead to social problems.Solve the problem of short-term operation of commercial real estate proposalDevelopers throughout the project development process, from beginning to end is the main role, as soon as possible as soon as possible to give up the usual mode of thinking, put an end to commercial real estate sold and left the wrong idea, and strive to achieve from the real estate developers to the changing role of commercial operators change the past, re-construction, re-sale, re-investment, light service, light management, planning of light behind the practice, establishing both real estate development and commercial operations of the business structure.Developers should be aware that with the increasingly competitive commercial real estate, the buyer concept matures, if it is sold out and left holding the short-term operation of thought, is likely to lead to the failure of the entire project.the establishment of new commercial real estate financing model