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唐山翻译公司关键字:have a business plan, business investment, business operations and other aspects of experience and expertise. Especially for large projects, such as Shopping Mall, is a new format introduced, few successful domestic experience to draw on, is more difficult. Therefore, due to lack of business sense and good business reason for grave shortage of commercial real estate developers have to exceed and follow the "sold out and left," the residential pattern of development, speed up the rate of capital return, to avoid the weaknesses of the lack of business talent, will shop operators leave it to handle large-scale businesses or buyers.Commercial real estate problems caused by short-term operationCommercial network irrational, resulting in a serious business and social resources to waste. Because short-term operation of commercial real estate issues, many developers simply not very up to consider how the operation of this commercial real estate problem, as long as the property can sell the herd, which often leads to some real estate commercial real estate projects in the development, certification is not sufficient, Construction and Development blind, out of touch with the market positioning of investment projects, Tandaqiuquan, from the local level of consumption. Resulting in a stage of structural imbalances and irrational regional distribution network, and lead to adverse employment, nuisance, impact on traffic, damage to the environment and other issues. This investment spontaneity and blindness on the outstanding performance of the network layout, more than the eastern, western small, old city and more, the new city less. The structure of large format department store surplus, the slow development of new formats, many developers build repeat business and social resources caused a serious waste.For example, there are 45,000 U.S. shopping centers, of which only 5% of the large shopping center, that we are talking MALL, not all can be said on the MALL shopping center, and neighborhood shopping centers in the United States, live shopping, these mostly in the area of ??15,000 square meters. But now China's actual situation is that many of the building of one-sided Tandaqiuquan mall, resulting in the investment process, subject to various constraints, can not hire a sufficient number of agents and brand the ideal format, and even some shopping center wants to come can be used to describe the . Pedestrian street in the commercial development on the street has a similar problem. As a result, commercial and social resources resulting in a serious waste.Commercial utilization. As the developer of less post-project operational considerations, lack of market research and market positioning of the main line, in architectural design, developers are often in pursuit of maximum economic benefits, it is easy to facilitate the sale of the planning and design, in order to facilitate the lease and planning design, in order to maximize use of space planning and design, in order to build the lowest cost and the planning and design, but forgot to create a favorable atmosphere for business services, can not fully create a healthy, comfortable leisure space to respect the consumer leisure shopping, watch