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石家庄翻译公司关键字:Analysis of short-term operation of commercial real commercial real estate development business operating profit is much higher than the profit Real estate is recognized as one of the few lucrative industry. According to the government survey, the national real estate industry for more than 20% higher profits, while the Price Bureau survey showed Fuzhou, Fuzhou real estate industry profit is 20% -40%, and a high number of projects even more than 100% . Off than the residential and commercial real estate prices several times higher, so the profits of commercial real estate is very high, which is the commercial real estate in recent years, rapid development of China's one of the most important reason. As the commercial real estate development profits is much higher than operating profit, most developers want to shop quickly sold, a new real estate development projects, earn more interest, rather than to long-term commercial operation. Thus, most developers just business as a means to reap huge profits, not the objective. This is caused by many developers in the short-term operation of commercial real estate development is an inherent reason.the commercial real estate under tremendous financial pressureA commercial real estate project investment is often little to be several hundred million dollars, as many billions of dollars, and developers often can only put 10% to 20% of own funds, other funds mainly from bank loans, retail sale and other financing sources.At the national macro-control, is very difficult to bank loans, other financing sources and very difficult to finance; trust funds due to a variety of conditions, can melt into the terms of financing for the funding gap, it is totally inadequate; developers its period of rapid development and worsening external environment, under the circumstances. need to maximize the investment return quickly, but commercial real estate projects, especially large commercial real estate projects mature requires a longer period of time (often take several years, even ten years) to cultivate the market, even if the developers brought in some high level business, brand, strong ability to digest the main store customers, this process is still insurmountable. Therefore, forced financial pressure, long-held commercial real estate developers, property rights can not, can not wait until the operation of the project is more mature and realized after the sale. This is caused by short-term operation of commercial real estate is an important external cause. the developer of the lack of experience in commercial real estate developmentBusiness model is quite different from real estate development, the domestic real estate company after ten years of development, some of the development model has been very mature. However, these mature residential development model is the only development model, as opposed to residential development, commercial real estate development model appears much more complex. It requires not only be able to sell out, and after-sale chaos to ensure that the project can continue to operate successfully. This requires that developers have to take in addition to, construction, sales experience, but also must