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秦皇岛翻译公司关键字:In recent years, China's commercial real estate for sale to use more split pattern of development, this short-term operating model has been seriously hampered the development of commercial real estate. This paper analyzes the reasons for short-term operation of commercial real estate analysis of the resulting problems, and proposed countermeasures.short-term operation of commercial real estateIn recent years, China's market for commercial real estate projects, the majority of "full retail shop" mode or "property-type retail shops all" of these two models, "all retail shops" refers to a large commercial project developers will be divided into several medium and small shops, with a specific location and then sold to a number of shops owners, these owners can operate by themselves can also be sub-leased to other people shop business; "property-type retail shops all" model is the developer of the shops All property divided for sale, buyers have not a separate shop, but according to share with the entire commercial property and its earnings power project, which is similar to a financing tool, according to the owner of the shop owners who elect property size management company to manage the entire project.China's commercial real estate the past two to three years in the "property-type retail shops all" model, based on and the development from the "sale leaseback" model, also known as sale leaseback sale leaseback or sale-leaseback, is the real estate business for the promote sales, retail sales type property, the agreement with the buyer, the sale after a certain number of years, by the buyer to exercise the right to operate by the real estate agents, developers promised to give a certain fixed annual rent to the buyer. In both modes, the interests, developers are often only interested in retail sales, there is inevitably short-term operational problems, that is only concerned with pre-sales, regardless of post-operation.In the "sale leaseback" of this model, the sale is actually chartered a shop selling gimmick developers, for developers to cash in the evolution of a financial skills. On the surface, the developer can open a relatively high annual rate of return, such as 8%, 10% or even 12% of the sale charter rate of return, but in fact, by increasing shop their price can be paid to the future accrued interest of investors out. Therefore, once the developer sold the shops, the commercial interests of the project is no longer significant relationship with the developer. Thus, developers in commercial real estate development in the short-term operational problems exist.So we often see scenes hot sales of commercial projects, sales increasingly depressed after the commercial city of the situation. And often the formation of developers, operators, property management business three conflicts, many projects have caused a number of small property owners and developers to struggle more than the economic disputes.The current profit model similar to that of China in Taiwan, China ten years ago the majority of commercial real estate projects using the model, according to senior sources in the Taiwan, the use of these models is only one project can continue to operate successfully, the rest appeared multiple times operational adjustments, the final will be successful.I believe that China's commercial real estate developers, only will the current draw of the entire zero mode partition sale, to rent not buy or sell the whole model, tied to the interests of developers and commercial real estate operations bundled together, to solve short-term mode of operation of commercial real estate problems.