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廊坊翻译公司关键字:investment projects, it expresses the degree of influence or the extent of damage to investors, but also the size of that risk should be different. Great expectations, the risk should be smaller, expectations hours, the risk should be bigger. So people prefer to use the coefficient of variation to measure risk:What kind of R value is small (large) risk, and risk appetite personality. However, the risk of R close to 1, usually investors unwilling to accept the risk. R> 1 the risk is that many investors can not tolerate the risk. You can also use Δ = E-б to measure the absolute risk. Δ Real estate investment risk controlIn the real estate investment activities. The investment risk is an objective reality, which for all real estate investors are the same. Investment risk control that is able to predict the time of discovery or the risk and to take timely and effective measures. Resolve, mitigation, alleviation, control risk, investors are expected to reduce the possibility of loss of earnings. The basic idea of ??control risk is the possibility of a loss adjustment, and thus minimize the possibility of the main methods are:(A) adequate market research to make a scientific project decision-makingRisk is the risk in the investment management process uncertainties, the actual earnings deviate from the expected return of the possibilities. Reduce this uncertainty, thereby reducing the deviation of the best ways is through market research, access to detailed information as possible, to reduce uncertainty to a minimum, to better control the risks involved in real estate investment . Supply and demand through the real estate market conditions and trends in a comprehensive investigation and analysis, choose the society most needs and be able to achieve greater returns on investment projects, this part can be done by investors in their investigation of the real estate market can also be commissioned consulting companies and other intermediaries.(B) In the case of the same expected return with less risk of real estate investmentMore types of real estate investment projects, their degree of risk sizes. Some greater degree of risk, uncertainty may experience a higher risk of some degree of investment projects less risky investment projects selection can make the investment income can be effectively guaranteed. (C) in a reasonable form of rolling development financing organizations Large real estate investment needs to be a certain form of financing to meet their needs. The form of real estate financing are the following: through the issuance of financial bonds to raise development funds. Through the sale of real estate development and sale of flats, real estate development from the client to raise the necessary funds. Use of the land use rights has been made to the bank to obtain a mortgage. The formation of joint-stock company, to apply for listed companies. Financing from the stock market. The real estate development company should be based on their actual situation, choose the most suitable form of financing for the rapid, large, low-cost integration of capital, investment in real estate development. Real estate development company not only to master financing techniques; but also to take practical measures to improve the effectiveness of the use of funds. For example, in investment management, the introduction of competition mechanism, using various means to promote the construction unit to reduce project cost, improve quality, shorten the construction period. The real estate business but also increase revenue, improve labor efficiency and reduce management costs in order to ensure that the funds invested to obtain maximum economic benefits. (D) through a number of diversified investment portfolio and risk diversification Risks of different investment projects, income and other factors are different, so, the implementation of multi-project portfolio can be invested than any focus on a more stable income on the project: Of course, the correlation between each item can not be too strong, otherwise not play a role in reducing risk. (E) by strengthening asset management to control risk An investment project can achieve the expected level of return, management is the most critical factor. Improve the quality of management and thus improve the management level, can improve the predictability of the market, reduce uncertainty, more efficient use of assets, reduce operating costs, lower vacancy rates, increase income levels, thereby reducing and controlling risk.