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邯郸翻译公司关键字:1 macro-economic risk. Macroeconomic risks for each real estate investment companies are not spared. For example, when the economic recession, depressed at low speed, the community will be substantially reduced consumer demand, which of course includes real estate. Moreover, whenever the economic downturn caught, consumption reduction, the hardest hit are often such as cars, real estate, like the long-term consumer durables, then people will develop when the economy is revised spending plan, or simply delayed to cancel the purchase of consumer durables. Social habits of this, resulting in temporary oversupply of real estate market, housing prices continued to fall. Financial interest rate risk. Financial interest rate risk mainly from fluctuations in interest rates, because many people buy a house is not full payment, the general principle of the use of leverage will apply for mortgage loans from financial institutions to address some of the funds Ao. If interest rates rise, investors need to pay interest on the loan may be the value of their property, this is the case for some investors with limited financial resources is undoubtedly worse, interest rates may force them to give up real estate. Of course, if banks can get back the real estate mortgage lending money, then investors need not bear any responsibility. However, if the real estate market is in a downturn, banks are still in the real estate auction Debu include sufficient funds to repay a mortgage, the investor still bear some responsibility. Therefore, investors in the planning and negotiating real estate home buyers, interest rate fluctuations must be taken into account. market risk. As supply and demand situation changes, causing the scope of market competition, competition, competition and how the nature of the real estate market, market structure, market development and other changes due to the risk. Market risk is the falling value of the real estate market a possibility, mainly from real estate supply time error. For example, when prices rise due to shortage of supply, the developer will have to build buildings, but construction will take some time, the floor, although the overall size to be built beyond the supply needs, but short term property prices will continue to rise. In recent years, increasingly sophisticated construction technology, with the result of real estate can be quickly supplied to the market, directly reducing the real estate cycle time, also makes price fluctuations have become more frequent.natural risks. The uncertainty due to natural factors, not resistance (such as earthquakes, floods, storms, fires, etc.), and land geography and technical and economic characteristics of the natural risks.the internal risk1 operational risks. Business risk is due to errors on the real estate investment business (or potential), causing actual results deviate from the possibility of pre-expectations; operational risks and internal problems originated in the investment project's economic environment, such as administration, management and low efficiency , the use of operating expenses than expected value, the housing vacancy rate, rental return and other issues, will make the company's operating income is less than the expected value. Economic environment may not be ideal, low demand for real estate, will produce higher than expected vacancy rate.