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玉林翻译公司关键字:Economic development of the Olympic Games, China's sports industry has accelerated the policy of supporting development. At present, China's sports industry, there are still unclear property rights, asset management, flow, and market hypoplasia, poor management of many problems. The level of China's sports industry is still lagging behind, with China's position in the international sports disproportionate. To speed up the development of sports industry, the government should guide the development of sports industry, sports funding to expand in its tax policy to the sports industry on tilt. Government departments in addition to formulating macroeconomic policies on the sports industry, we must also protect the sports industry standardized management, promotion of the sports industry and international standards. Accelerate the improvement of the sports industry policy, the development of sports industry to provide policy support. In recent years, sports administration policies in the establishment of the sports industry has done a lot of work, and has achieved initial results, but many of China's sports industry is still due to lack of long-term stable policy support, the development restrictions and constraints, This long-term development of the sports industry is extremely unfavorable. Therefore, we must actively coordinating relevant departments to establish and perfect a timely financial investment, including government policy, industrial policy of capital investment projects, financing of social policy, tax policy, sports lottery and sports funds in full, the system of sports industry policy, to form comprehensive, multi-level policy system, and promote China's sports industry policy better and more standardized, more international, for the sports industry to create a good environment and good physical infrastructure.Seven, the Olympic Games to promote the economic development of China's sports industry, the legal systemStrengthen the sports industry, market and legal system. The Government should carefully study the existing laws and regulations, the sports industry, sports market to gradually adjust and improve the legal system, and strive to play the sports industry, good supervision and protection, to promote the sports industry along the track of healthy development of the legal system. Strengthen the sports industry laws and regulation development, legal protection of the sports industry with a healthy and stable economy, China's sports industry can adapt to the economic development requirements of the Olympic Games. According to sports industry market development status, it is imperative to accelerate high-level legislation. Currently the management of China's sports market is very weak legal system, should be introduced early national sports market regulations, a clear management functions, the scope of management, management authority, define the conditions to enter the market expertise, qualification and approval procedures to provide various types of market players legal status, rights and obligations of the main specifications of the sports market, maintaining market order, strengthen the sports market, management, supervision and regulation.