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钦州翻译公司关键字:product by 0.5 percentage points. By 2008, Beijing's tertiary industry the proportion of the national economy will account for 70% of total new jobs more than 180 million. The Olympic Games Beijing Olympics China's sports industry is only required for various sports facilities and equipment supplies, provides business opportunities worth about $ 170 billion.Second, China's sports industry development statusChina's sports industry at this stage there are small-scale, structural and institutional imperfections, sports, business and low degree of market problems. The lack of international competitiveness of sports enterprises or enterprise groups; sports industry regional development imbalances; irrational industrial structure; sports body is less than the proportion of industry-related industry, especially the sporting goods industry; market system is not perfect, management and operation of sports mechanism as a whole is still on administrative centralization, a high degree of closure of the department management, industry, sports industry management system did not form. In response to these problems, China should speed up the sports community, industrialization process, and vigorously promote the sport management system; integration of physical resources to achieve the physical assets of the enterprise reorganization; to strengthen the sports industry interaction with capital markets, to broaden the financing channels for the sports industry . The wind through the Olympic economy, speed up the size of the sports industry, international development. To become China's sports industry to develop new economic growth point. Olympic economy to China's sports industry has brought many opportunities and challenges, and learn from foreign advanced techniques of market operation, China's sports industry to help improve the overall business operation and market standardization level, the sports industry to speed up the process.Third, the Olympic Games accelerated economic development of China's sports industryBeijing Olympic Games, China's economy to unprecedented development, the national annual GDP growth of 0.3% -0.5% extra; after the successful Olympic bid 1.8 million new jobs; total over 1.5 trillion yuan of social consumer goods. This will comprehensively promote China's economy and the rapid development of sports industry. Now China's sports industry has developed to a certain scale, showing the economic advantages and social spending in the guide, adjust the industrial structure, promote economic development, revealing a huge potential. At present, China's sports industry a smaller scale, the development is not balanced, but should see their development potential. Stimulating the construction of the Olympic economy sustained growth in market demand. Sports consumption is gradually expanding, but also attracted more and more investors in the sports industry. The sports industry has led a number of related industries, including the second in a series of related industrial sectors, and the tertiary industry in the development of many industries, promote the adjustment of industrial structure. Potential demand for the sports industry is very large, in the next Olympic Games to promote the economy, has formed a sizeable professional sports services market, the country engaged in fitness and entertainment, industry, competition performance