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贺州翻译公司关键字:Retail supply chain has become the core of China's current retail supply chain management concepts behind there, logistics inefficiencies, lack of support for technology issues, to address these issues, this paper argues, should change their ideas as soon as possible, the implementation of integrated logistics operation, strengthen collaboration and trust.Keywords: Wal-Mart, the retail supply chaiIn recent years, with advances in information technology, economic globalization and the management ideas of innovation, competition among enterprises gradually transformed into the supply chain competition. Supply chain management to suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, etc. in a chain link and all links are optimized for the fastest speed of raw materials through production, distribution areas, and ultimately become a value-added there is consumer demand for the product to the hands of customers, in order to achieve the most efficient and cost minimization, the entire supply chain to achieve optimal allocation of resources. Channel members in a common scheme arrangements, logistics, information sharing, resource sharing, benefit sharing. Therefore, supply chain management is the competitive relationship between the channel members into partnership, effective cooperation through the channel members to achieve "win-win." China has joined the World Trade Organization, multinational retail giants have already entered China market, which means that China's retail industry to directly face the fierce competition of foreign retail, local retail multinational retail giants to learn the advanced supply chain management, has become a serious problem.China's retail supply chain management statusArticle Numbering Center of China had domestic manufacturers and the retail supply chain management status of the investigation, can be seen, our retail business supply chain management, there is a big problem, mainly in the following aspects:Supply chain management concepts behindRetail companies surveyed, 89.6% of companies do not understand the supply chain and supply chain management, 80.6% of companies do not set the supply chain management. To 20% without a supply chain management companies, they understand that supply chain management logistics management department, responsible for product procurement, warehousing and transportation, without a unified and coordinated across the enterprise logistics, information flow and cash flow management. Set in the sector, although the retail category by a team unified by the category responsible for the procurement, warehousing, sales, management efficiency will bring great improvement, but still 93.8% of the retail business set in accordance with the functions of departments, Only 6.3% of the enterprises in accordance with the category set department. 50.7% of the enterprises in inter-sectoral information sharing, joint decision-making, but there are still a few companies departmentalized, that touch of internal supply chain (manufacturing 3.5%, retail 13.5%).