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桂林翻译公司关键字:Establish a rational production process, improve the ability of flexible productionFor a long time, China's garment manufacturers in the trade-off between the two modes of production and choice: either to provide low-cost mass production of standardized popular and dependable products, or providing small-scale production of customized or highly differentiated products, of course, cost is relatively high. However, foreign retailers and importers with fast delivery and products for small quantities increasing demands, the traditional production methods to create agile supply chain is difficult to meet the requirements. The mass customization was able to combine these two modes of production to mass production of cost and speed, providing a small quantity and variety, short product delivery time, that meet customer needs, and can effectively reduce the cost and maintain competitive advantage.In the reconstruction of the production operation of agile supply chain processes, mass customization is to use custom point of convergence of the production process effectively standardized and customized in two parts. Apparel supply chain, including raw material supply generally - Spinning - Weaving - Dyeing - Finishing - cutting - sewing - ironing - packaging, according to the author's experience, the general custom apparel supply chain agility should point directly to the weaving and dyeing sector, because the clothing is mainly reflected in the individual color and style, appropriate to maintain a reasonable inventory of fabric, conducive to the rapid staining, to meet customer demand, of course, for long-term customer, you can retain a certain amount of their stock dyed fabric. Clothing production process, appropriate adjustments to the production line, especially sewing assembly line, in terms of staffing and equipment configuration on flexible production to meet the requirements, for example, a 28-30 person production team who are able to produce large quantities order, if necessary, can be broken down into 2-3 small team producing a small quantity orders.Introduction of apparel production process flexible manufacturing system is to improve the rapid response capability of technical support. Flexible manufacturing system is the use of production scheduling and control software, computer-controlled rigging transportation, production and processing unit which consists of flexible manufacturing line. For the species adaptability, high efficiency, and garment export enterprises throughout the supply