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防城港翻译公司关键字:improving the competitiveness of enterprises is the front-end supply chain: raw material supply, production networks, export channels and marketing networks.In the global apparel value chain, geographic location, level of technology, skilled workers, the extent size of the business impact of supply chain companies in the market position and deserved profits. As retailers to maintain the brand takes a lot of advertising and promotional investment, to increase revenue, reduce risk, retailers need to establish rapid response mechanism the supply chain. Since the end of global apparel supply chain to retailers in most western countries, our business geographically as dominant in North Africa and Central American countries, only the establishment of agile supply chain, reduce supply chain processes in order to meet customer needs rapid response mechanisms, to create agile supply chain is an effective way to make up for the remote location, by creating the agile supply chain, timely, accurate and fast to send the goods to the customer, in order to increase the competitiveness of China's clothing enterprises. This is also the foreign customers - importers or wholesalers in order to meet the needs of end-customer requirements for foreign exporters.Retail Lean Sourcing adapt to new features and requirementsLean retailing first appeared in the U.S. apparel retail, clothing retailer by sales of inventory and information management, such as the use of electronic data interchange (EDI), bar code technology and POS machines, you can collect accurate and timely sales forecast inventory, thereby reducing the number of procurement and inventory, increase the number of procurement. This can effectively reduce costs and reduce risk. With the traditional retail model of large bulk purchases is different from the emergence of lean retail purchasing patterns have also changed, to grasp the inventory levels by retailers to require wholesalers (importers) low-volume, multi-batch delivery. Studies have shown that the addition of new goods retailer frequency of once a week or even three days time (Abernathy, etc., 2000), the request is passed along the supply chain, which greatly increased the production of suppliers in a timely manner, timely delivery requirements . The emergence of lean retailing, prompting wholesalers requires foreign suppliers to establish a rapid response mechanism to create agile supply chain.In recent years, intense competition in the apparel market retailers in the clothing supply chain status gradually improved, and its management of the growing cross-border procurement. Guowai retailers and buyers with market demand and control of distribution channels for goods made quality, price and service