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百色翻译公司关键字:Clothing to create agile supply chain, is the clothing export enterprises to adapt to foreign buyers of apparel retailers and complex needs, shorten delivery time to take an operational strategy. Based on the clothing supply chain agile nature, characteristics and reaction mechanisms and international apparel and clothing market analysis, China's clothing enterprises around the rapid response strategy to create agile supply chain operation. That is to establish a clothing export business as the core of the virtual organization, the implementation of rapid response strategies; strengthen information technology and the use of CAD CAM and other advanced equipment; adjust the production process, so as to meet the requirements of mass customization; build agile logistics system.Keywords: garment export enterprises agile supply chain strategy for rapid responseWith the EU, U.S. reach agreement on textile trade next few years, China's garment export enterprises have a relatively stable international market environment, but because of China's labor cost advantage over-reliance on the garment industry, the level of competition in the international market is limited. Garment enterprises to create agile supply chain management innovation through the garment export enterprises in China can take the initiative to adapt to changes in the international market, procurement, and improving their competitiveness and expand apparel exports.industry supply chain agilityClothing as an innovative product, the product features are: a short life cycle; variety, color and more size and more; susceptible to external factors (such as clothing popular vulnerability to climate, the impact of popular culture, etc.); customers impulse to the time of purchase should be the emotional impact. All these factors lead to unpredictable demand, the average deviation of product demand, the error rate is greater than 40%. Ubiquitous clothing retailer inventory is high, a large price cut after the season and other issues. Therefore, more and more retailers in the choice of clothing suppliers, an important factor is the study of supply apparel suppliers speed and flexibility to respond rapidly to unforeseen demand, reduce the product out of stock, season and stock prices loss caused by obsolete. Clothing supplier to many competitors to win, an effective way to improve competitiveness is to build agile supply chain, rapid response strategies (QR).Clothing characteristics of agile supply chainAgile supply chain, also known as reactive supply chain, is in competition, cooperation and dynamic market environment, the various aspects of the supply chain components constitute the dynamic of supply and demand rapid response network, the core is to improve product availability , so as to meet the complex needs take advantage of every new market opportunities.Clothing agile supply chain has the following characteristics: market sensitivity - the ultimate customer needs quickly to respond; virtual sex - to form a virtual organization, all members of the supply chain information sharing; based network - each node of the integrated enterprise, the do everything to gain supply chain flexibility; the process of integration - between members of the supply network is a whole business process. Figure 1 reflects the garment industry in the four characteristics of agile supply chain is how to interact.The sensitivity of market sensitivity to market is the most agile supply chain, the essential characteristics. The sensitivity of the market is quickly and accurately grasp the needs of customers and its ultimate rapid response. With information technology, through multiple channels quickly and accurately collect the product or service the customer's individual needs, truly demand-driven market to arrange the clothing production plan. Clothing retailer by sales of POS machines to provide data to analyze consumer preferences and needs change, then the information in a timely manner to reflect the suppliers to collate, collated the data reflected in the design department, design department through the application of computer aided design systems (CAD) and computer-aided proof systems (CAM) in a timely manner to