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广州翻译公司关键字:Traditionally, Ireland is a mainly agricultural country, resources are not rich, economically backward, the existing small local industry only serve as a developed economy or the economic development of the British export of raw materials. In 1973, Ireland joined the EU, began to enter the European market. From the open door to join the European Union, although the Irish economy received a big promotion, but basically follow the trend of development in Europe, to the early 1970s, the country is not yet competitive pillar industries.Ireland is a small country, can not develop heavy industry, because they can not build a large production base; not develop the automotive industry, because there is no such a big market. At first, only the Irish government efforts to attract more foreign investment, and various types of industries alike. As the benefits given to foreign low-tax results are effective, therefore, the government gradually began to make a conscious choice to attract the more promising areas to invest in the software industry is one of them.In 1993, the Irish operations of foreign software company exports totaled $ 27.74 billion, of which U.S. companies accounted for 60%, about 16.64 billion yuan, while the same year, software exports totaled U.S. $ 25.26 billion. Thus, the export platform for the Irish software exports the entire software industry exports to the United States is extremely important part. O'Riain (1999) study showed that: the U.S. software company exported products from Ireland from the United States, they account for at least 50% of exports, if only to consider U.S. products exported to Europe, then this ratio will be higher. Therefore, Ireland is a major U.S. software company in the industry operate on a multinational center.U.S. software multinationals operating strategy in Irelandsoftware multinationals operating in Ireland can be divided into three main types: focus on manufacturing, logistics, localization, porting, testing services company; provide system integration, sales and consulting, custom development company; dedicated to specific software development the company. These three areas there are significantly different from the surface, the whole of the industry's contribution is also very different. Table 1 lists the three main types according to the above classification, the case of multinational companies operating in Ireland.