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佛山翻译公司关键字:Since the 1980s, the U.S. software industry has been ranked first in the world software industry, leading the world's software industry development. Ireland is the rise of the 1990s, one of the world's largest software and its start-up and development of software industry, on the one hand, due in large U.S. software company's investment, partly because U.S. software multinationals implementing global strategy , the Irish software industry in the development of high-tech level, a certain amount of restraint.Keywords: Software Industry Software, Inc. USA and IrelandRapid growth of software industry and software services with the needs of the characteristics of rapid growth, most software companies to implement global operations strategy, and achieved remarkable results. In recent years, some developed countries of the software industry, developing cross-border operations strategy presented to the tilt of the situation. In general, the United States, Japan, Germany and Italy, the Government has not for its own software industry to provide special preferential policies, but rely more on the role of market regulation, dependent on their own research and development (R & D) investment. In contrast, the French government more emphasis on software development work. Britain, Ireland, India, Brazil and other countries of the software industry will benefit from its strong government support. In this paper, the U.S. multinational software development company in Ireland, for example, analysis of the software industry's multinational operations strategy to the development of China's software industry has been drawing. Since the 1990s, the U.S. software companies, especially some of the important companies in the industry have been eager to expand their global business software company in the U.S. global operations strategy, led by the U.S. software multinationals Irish software industry is a particularly important center, which the Irish government's policy to attract foreign investment are closely related.