新华翻译社总机:4008281111   客服部地址:南大街6号国务院机关第二招待宾馆(国二招)3号楼B5319室

    中国翻译协会是由全国与翻译工作相关的机关、企事业单位、社会团体及个人自愿结成的学术性、行业性非营利组织,是翻译领域唯一的全国性社会团体,由分布在中国内地各省、市、区的单位会员和个人会员组成下设社会科学、文学艺术、科学技术、军事科学、民族语文、外事、对外传播、翻译理论与翻译教学、翻译服务、本地化服务等专业委员会。翻译服务委员会接受国家有关部门委托,先后编制了三部国家标准并均已获得国家质量监督检验检疫总局和国家标准化管理委员会批准:《翻译服务规范 第1部分: 笔译》(GB/T19363.1-2003),《翻译服务译文质量要求》(GB/T19682-2005),《翻译服务规范 第2部分:口译》(GB/T19363.2-2006),及上述三部国家标准的英文版。
张掖翻译公司关键字:indicators of state-owned assets evaluation system ⑵ Basic formula is: state-owned assets = (end of state-owned total assets / total assets at the beginning of state-owned) × 100%State-owned assets equal to 100% and increase the value of greater than 100%.Evaluation system through the establishment of indicators, you can create an effective incentive and restraint mechanisms to encourage operators to make great efforts to improve management, enhance their effectiveness, so that the country's valuable resources can be utilized to promote the state-owned assets, development and strengthen the state economy. In addition, according to the scientific and reasonable performance evaluation system, survival of the fittest mechanism can be implemented, the selection of the best people for the press capitalized, market-oriented operation, to really press bigger and stronger.Fifth, strong internal controls to improve the press, strengthen accounting supervisionMust attach great importance to the press building of internal accounting controls, and strengthen the internal newspaper of the work involved in accounting-related positions in business and economic control of the newspaper within the strict constraints of all personnel involved in accounting, to ensure the newspaper's internal accounting bodies involved, a reasonable set of positions and rational division of duties and powers, separation of incompatible duties truly mutual restraint, mutual supervision. At the same time strict "verification off", the book on the long-term losses in the large advertising arrears should be in accordance with "less written off more losses, careful stripping" the principle of careful disposal of bad debts written off strictly control the required standard, standard be written off, they will not meet the standards but are indeed non-performing assets as losses are realistically handled, continue collection, in order to avoid loss of state assets.Sixth, to increase the audit supervision, introduce a standardized system of state-owned assets management responsibility auditCheck the newspaper for the state-owned assets supervision and use of management, auditors should annually by the state-owned assets management term economic responsibility audit