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    中国翻译协会是由全国与翻译工作相关的机关、企事业单位、社会团体及个人自愿结成的学术性、行业性非营利组织,是翻译领域唯一的全国性社会团体,由分布在中国内地各省、市、区的单位会员和个人会员组成下设社会科学、文学艺术、科学技术、军事科学、民族语文、外事、对外传播、翻译理论与翻译教学、翻译服务、本地化服务等专业委员会。翻译服务委员会接受国家有关部门委托,先后编制了三部国家标准并均已获得国家质量监督检验检疫总局和国家标准化管理委员会批准:《翻译服务规范 第1部分: 笔译》(GB/T19363.1-2003),《翻译服务译文质量要求》(GB/T19682-2005),《翻译服务规范 第2部分:口译》(GB/T19363.2-2006),及上述三部国家标准的英文版。
漳州翻译公司关键字:product as a commodity to sell to businesses and gain a return for survival and development. This is the direction of development. In the more developed market economy countries have more comprehensive product innovation companies, which receive income through the sale of innovative design. However, due to China's market economy in the development stage, especially in industrial clusters region's economic development and social division of labor is still in its infancy, people recognize the value of innovative products for the gap, companies do not want to pay a reasonable fee for innovative product design. The result is that good design can not get due returns, product innovation company to support themselves. To address this situation, now that the ideal solution is a membership-product research and development center. product testing center. Industry innovation product testing center is one of the core center. The establishment of a regional industrial clusters in the authorized organs within the cluster can be good for all business services. Local governments can rely on product testing center within the cluster leading to effectively monitor the quality of products, some of the cluster center is also certified by detecting regional product brands, products from the region to prevent damage to the credibility of inferior products. Establishment of regional industrial clusters can expand the brand effect, open up markets, enhancing the overall level of quality regional products, healthy economic development of the cluster is very beneficial.) education and training center. Education and Training Center is to solve the industrial clusters of SMEs, technology and management platform. Through a series of technical and management training, and gradually improve the technology industry cluster area businesses and management level. Currently, many industrial clusters of serious lack of skilled workers and innovative talents, education and training centers are tremendous business opportunities.