厦门翻译公司关键字:Intense competition requires companies to continue to carry out scientific and technological innovation. There are a large number of industrial clusters in the same and similar enterprises, they often face the same market, basically using similar technology, so the competition within the industry cluster is intense. To win in the competition, all companies are trying to make improvements in technology and development, and efforts to form a number of distinctive technology, and geographical proximity has led to improvements of these technologies to other companies soon to master, which in turn led corporate continuous technological innovation. a large number of SMEs to the common scientific and technological innovation is a strong demand. Basically a lot of industry cluster-based SMEs. The research efforts of these SMEs are generally weak, the vast majority of small enterprises that lack the R & D, they are often implemented by means of technical genius and improved technologies for the formation of a small number of technical know-how, industry-wide impact for the common technical problems are often do nothing. Thus, in the industrial cluster, a large number of SMEs to affect the entire industry in common a strong demand for technological innovationclusters of traditional industries to build innovative platforms Technical Innovation Center FunctionFrom the existing experience, innovation center set of public goods and services providers, the organizers of collective action and the construction industry were in a network. Innovation Center features summarized as technology development, information, promotion, e-commerce, quality certification, intellectual property protection, personnel training, regional marketing. The practice of textile and garment industry cluster) R & D center. Product development and technological innovation is the soul of industrial innovation platform, the characteristics of industrial clusters should be based on the design and construction of the cluster R & D center. Market-oriented product development can operate, that developed the