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莆田翻译公司关键字:90s from the 20th century, on the industrial cluster (industrial clusters) of the research papers emerging, and the number gradually increased. In recent years, we can say there is a worldwide upsurge of industrial clusters, including some prestigious economists of great interest in the theory of industrial clusters.1 Development of China's industrial clustersChina's long history of industrial clusters appear, but the real development since reform and opening up in 1978. China's industrial clusters mainly concentrated in the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta region, while in Beijing, Shanghai, Shandong, Fujian, Liaoning, Hebei, Jiangxi, Yunnan and other provinces there are also some types of cluster sizes. Direct the development of these industrial clusters to promote local economic development, resulting in these industrial clusters are present in areas where rapid development of China's economic area.Industrial clusters in large numbers in the traditional industries, such as textile and garment industry clusters have become an important textile industry form the organizational structure of these clusters are located in the textile industry throughout the country, in the coastal provinces and cities have formed a very dynamic economy with textile cluster, with three largest economy in the circle (the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Bohai Delta) for the radiation center, only Shandong, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, these five provinces and one city on the concentration of more than 76.38% of the national-scale textile enterprises, 60.97% of the employees, 79.74% of sales value, export delivery value of 86.04%, 90.08% of Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign capital.However, the majority of our traditional industrial clusters exist the following problems have seriously constrained the development of sustainable industrial clusters, mainly in: Technology innovation is clearly insufficient. Overall, the development and design innovation, low technology and talent shortage, most companies do not technological innovation centers, and some types of business equipment industry, although the situation improved, but not their core technology and intellectual property rights, lack of brand culture, still hard to get rid of the status of regional producers; major cost advantage by building human resources and competitiveness of the cluster. Some resources are relatively abundant and labor costs constitute the comparative advantage of China's traditional industry cluster competitiveness. And in the cluster, similar extension of the production of rapid development, product duplication and homogenization of prominent, popular and dependable product