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合肥翻译公司关键字:the use of land owned by farmers in rural areas, once developers fancy, the legitimate interests of the farmers will lose. Study the fundamental reason is that farmers do not land ownership, land by the village officials, village officials who "represent" their "disposal" to developers of. Therefore, in order to keep the peasants of the land, or land to let the farmers get a reasonable return, farmers must be given ownership. However, this is a major issue involving legislation, which is the school in the academic words, I prefer this view.Finally, tracing the "original sin", the complete eradication of the real estate market "worms." The above-mentioned is how the future should be done, for the few that have taken place in recent years and some developers bribe corrupt officials to pull the water of the despicable acts of cadres should be how to do it? Is not to be repeated or a thorough investigation, I think we should trace the "original sin", not Qingrao. The reasons: First, if to do so for those who were landless peasants and the demolition has not been properly placed on the unfair urban residents, is to plunder the wealth should be returned by predators, which was right and proper; the second is to quell discontent, and improve government credibility; third is to eliminate the monopoly seller, rebuilding a fair and orderly market competition and improve economic efficiency. Although the current housing market price increases down, both buyers and sellers on the sidelines, it illustrates the housing market, the monopoly seller is very stubborn, interest groups on the pursuit of huge monopoly profits, so that they dare to complain about and contempt for the public against the government's policy. Therefore, it is to trace the "original sin", relying on legal means to break the monopoly seller and the interests of the Union, means any market is difficult and ineffective. Of course, this is risky, depending on the assessment of the situation at all levels of government and determination