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池州翻译公司关键字:dirty little risk of a large and natural so that those profits are worth a stroke winner last, reducing the government's credibility, resulting in economic inefficiencies. Economist, believes that there is a good market economy market economy and bad for the market economy, China's market economy should be built. Market economy is the market economy, how good or bad? But in fact there are good or bad, some Latin American countries in economic transition of power to intervene the market, leading to widespread corruption, polarization, economic inefficiency, economic stagnation, has indeed caught in a bad market economy. China's economy is in transition, because the ruling Communist Party of China and the central government has always grasp the general direction of building a socialist market economy, and continue to strengthen the punishment of corruption and poverty, support groups, China's market-oriented reforms basically healthy development. However, some local governments, especially some of the city, county, township government's ability to govern, it is indeed worrying. Government officials the power to borrow a small number of rent-seeking, with some unscrupulous traders to form interest groups of vulnerable people for looting. Bad market economy is the predatory nature of the economy. We clearly see signs of plunder, the enclosure movement in recent years, large-scale state-owned enterprises and a large number of landless farmers and low prices resulted in layoffs and other workers to explain the phenomenon of social wealth and state-owned assets plundered by a few people. The main result of this plunder led, first, the credibility of local government declined in recent years, groups around the frequent occurrence of events and protests in capital letters the size of the village is the evidence only to rise; the second is increasing divide between rich and poor, making the economic inefficiencies developed to a very serious extent, can destroy economic development. In recent years, the central government's efforts to expand domestic demand has not received the expected results from the proof of one aspect of this problem.3 management of real estate profits