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巢湖翻译公司关键字:Secondly, the waste of land resources, threat to national food security. According to Xinhua correspondent June 24, 2004 report, the NPC Standing Committee to the Tenth NPC Standing Committee Sheng, vice chairman of the Tenth Meeting of the Standing Committee report on the law enforcement inspection team examined the implementation of the Land Management Law, said the National Development up to 6 015, an area of ??35,400 square kilometers planned, equivalent to 5310 million mu, of which a considerable quantity of arable land, and some still productive farmland; zone planning area has been built over the existing urban area combined. As of early 2003, construction of the proposed University City 46, an area of ??more than 40 acres, to the June 2004 construction of the proposed golf course at 306, 26 provinces throughout the country, covering 488,000 acres, which also consumes a lot of arable land in some places to build the name of University City and the golf, real estate development vigorously. According to ministry statistics, in recent years because of construction land, real estate development and structural adjustment, a total of 1300 acres occupied by high-quality farmland. This message, so I think of three questions: First, really need so many university towns, golf courses and real estate it? At present, our low-income population accounts for the vast majority of cases, how many people can play golf enjoy the luxury of spending? This is not a waste of resources? Second, China accounts for 9% of the world's total arable land of arable land to feed 22% of the total number of the world's population, arable land resources are very scarce, but there are large tracts of fertile land was unreasonable occupation, it is puzzling. 1300 acres we have to calculate, at least 13 million farmers lost their land, food stores 130 billion kilograms of grain per year, equivalent to 36 million people a year's rations. If Ren Zhantian the wind continues, then there is China's food security to speak of it? Third, including real estate developers, including the behavior of profit-driven interests of the Union's what it will with impunity? According to the Ministry of Land and the data show that from 1999 to 2002, an average of 137 000 criminal cases involving land, something less than a year, in November 2003 rose to 168,000. However, the first four years on average to have 1512, 2003, criminal cases have a 1787 land only a person subject to criminal sanctions. In other words, as the probability of criminal sentences less than two-thousandth. This returns the