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亳州翻译公司关键字:First, increasing the rich-poor divide and social conflicts. Some real estate developers to enter the real estate field, as many years as little as a few years to become millionaires and even billionaires. In fact they had not much capital, but why in the short term riches it? Some scholars to formulate a "rich-quick flow": the development of enclosure plan → → settling land leasing side → the minimum down payment funds to obtain bank loans may take the land units of capital construction procedures → to do with positive and negative zero → Get mortgage banking → → Housing loans basically completed the sale of futures earnings cycle. It is in this rich-quick process, developers intake of social wealth, to become one of the richest groups. In the real estate riches, while the interest groups concerned in society will be subject to serious damage: First, landless peasants, they get very little compensation, which a few people may engage in other to make a living, and most people fall into poverty because their basis for the survival of this land; the second is the demolition of urban residents, they get compensation for demolition is not enough to pay high prices, excessive rent or indefinitely, "rest on its laurels", or to the suburbs of the purchase by the pain of traveling Lawton ; Third, poor housing conditions are now eager to buy a new house of urban wage earners, their income is limited, at high prices under the bizarre dilemma, either to maintain the status quo looking room disappointed, or bite down payment to pay debt service after under the weight of the life lived frugally. In China, real estate is recognized as the most lucrative industry to create the rich, but also spark a petition up to the detriment of national interests, most of the industry. Implementation of China's planned economy, when the price of industrial and agricultural products, "scissors", is a form of government to implement the redistribution of national income inequality, but its purpose is to accumulate funds for construction of national industrialization, people can accept. However, at this stage of housing and land price "scissors" is an important reason for differentiation between rich and poor, a large number of social wealth into the hands of a few, while the landless peasants and urban residents and owner-occupied housing residents were relocated in position by predatory This is the current social conflicts of the major causes. In recent years, mass petitions have focused on the eight issues landless farmers and residents in the demolition of these two issues, land disputes, the masses, covering issues such as illegal petition hospitality sector accounts for more than 70% of total acceptance, the State Bureau for Letters 2002 Land acquisition was received letters 4116, most of the unemployed gathered on the lost ground.