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蚌埠翻译公司关键字:Look at housing costs. Housing development costs, mainly the cost of building materials and land purchase costs. Purchase price of building materials is determined by the market supply and demand, which the contractor is unlikely to have much to gain. However, the basic elements of land developers, filling the large gains. In China's land property rights system, in addition to some state-owned land outside state control, most of the land owned by peasant collectives, linked with the household contract responsibility system, farmers only individuals the right to use. For a long time, when the nation-building project requires land acquisition, it municipal, county and township government to come forward, only to land ownership to negotiate on behalf of the village, individual farmers are completely excluded. This approach naturally be applied to land in real estate development, for the foregoing reasons, in fact, developers and land transactions between local government, as some officials "rent-seeking", land prices are very pressure low, with less cost to the developer to obtain the land. Zigong red flag Township, from 1992 to 1999, 7700 acres of land expropriated farmers, unemployed landless peasants received was compensation for only 8000 dollars per person made, those with the name of national construction and land acquisition Basically, transfers to government officials presided over the real estate development company, in April 2004 to 71 acres of land with an even $ 600,000 per acre starting to auction off. This case can be inferred, relying on land sales, there is a fortune into the hands of developers. And the acquisition of land by the vast majority of funds are not the developer's own funds, but to obtain loans from commercial banks, due to low real interest rates in such loans, but also allows developers to gather a fortune. Data shows that, as of April 2004, the national real estate development and investment of about 8800 billion, of which bank loans 7200 billion yuan, accounting for 82% of total investment. Aside skyrocketing housing prices do not say, since 2002, China's inflation rate of about 4%, the bank interest rate loans to developers only 5% to 6%, the real interest rate is less than 2%, the cost of capital is very low. Therefore, every year there are billions of billions of funds through bank transfer to the hands of developers. In short, the land purchase and the lowest cost of capital is low, making the real estate development, lower total cost, and extremely high real estate prices in stark contrast. Revenue costs in this situation, the generation of real estate profits is easy to understand.