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安庆翻译公司关键字:Commercial source of profit from our analyzing the profits of the reasons for the formation of China's real estate analysis, that the local government, commercial banks and formed a coalition of interests in real estate development interests of the pursuit led to soaring prices. Real estate profits for social and political, economic, causing serious harm, to bring rich-poor divide increasing, deepening social contradictions, waste of land resources, the Government's credibility down a series of problems. Investment and real estate prices soaring profits as a peculiar phenomenon in China's economy, have aroused public concern and government attention.Keywords real estate market, rent-seeking profits of land ownershi A source of real estate profits Look at housing prices. The mid-1990s China's economy overheating, governance in 1996 by a "soft landing" after the economy began to enter the contraction phase, with the Asian financial crisis, China's export trade has suffered serious setbacks, the market downturn, the general price level all the way down. Real estate market is no exception, the vacancy rate is high. To improve the economic crunch, the government's macroeconomic regulation and control of general policy is to expand domestic demand, and introduced a series of policy measures. To start the real estate market, the Government has taken to cancel real estate development in the lower part of the charge and credit conditions, to grant housing loans to households purchase and implementation of the down payment mortgages and other preferential policies to stimulate demand for housing, received a significant effect, the gradual emergence of buying and selling booming scene. However, since the beginning of this century, rising house prices beyond the normal requirements and other factors driving the reasonable range, as times of soaring, soaring to the vast majority of urban residents can not tolerate. The reason is summed up, that is, local governments, commercial banks and real estate developers formed to pursue the interests of the interests of the Union led to skyrocketing housing prices. Among them, the local government performance and a few officials of the impulsive "rent-seeking" motivation is the main reason, it put the real estate profiteering activities "legitimate" coat; including real estate, including the speculative and investment group is to promote housing prices shot up core strength, and become a major recipient of profits; commercial banks are the pillars of prices running high, it is not only to provide a self-purchase home mortgage loans, real estate speculators, and for many consumer loans and other forms of integrated to provide down payment, resulting in a huge real estate family, in the room Shangwang trouble.