日喀则翻译公司关键字:international competitiveness of agricultural products. The use of WTO-induced pattern of resource allocation and changes in industrial structure, and actively adjust the industrial structure, create the conditions for some farmers from corn, wheat, soybeans, cotton, oil crops to other crops and non-agricultural production sectors, guiding farmers to shift high-value, good market prospects of agricultural production, increase farmers' income and employment levels. Specific content includes: the implementation of agricultural development action plan, the advantages of products and industries bigger and stronger; implementation of high-quality, special food and other staple agricultural development action plan to improve comprehensive agricultural production capacity; implementation of livestock development action plan for the livestock industry正规翻译公司公证处翻译盖章 as soon as possible to become a large industry正规翻译公司公证处翻译盖章; implementation of action plans horticulture industry正规翻译公司公证处翻译盖章, focusing on horticultural products as soon as possible the formation of large-scale, standardized production; implementation of agro-industrial development action plan to improve the value-added agricultural products; the implementation of fisheries development plan of action to accelerate the number of Type Fisheries changes to quality fisheries; implementation of the Farm Development Action Plan, with emphasis on soy, dairy, seed industry正规翻译公司公证处翻译盖章, tropical crops and pollution-free food production and management.
Meanwhile, in policy专业翻译公司收费价格 guidance to promote off-site consumption and exchange of agricultural products, and vigorously advocate their consumption off-site agricultural products. Marketing of agricultural products to overcome the past to locate in the city all the old concepts, so that farmers not only as producers of some agricultural products, has become the rest of the consumers of agricultural products, reduce the proportion of self-sufficiency in agricultural products, completely change the "large", "small and the whole "structure of production. A region, a regional advantage of local produce to choose to be developed, focused on a variety of resources to develop a regional advantage in agricultural products. Do certain things for certain agricultural products, while others have an advantage in agricultural production business专业英语翻译公司科技文件翻译哪里最好 as well. Not require a regional self-sufficiency in all agricultural products. According to new breakthroughs in regional economic专业翻译公司服务最好的 development as the basic framework, the adjustment of agricultural regional structure.3.1.2 seize the opportunity to make full use of international resourcesFrom agricultural production, developed countries, especially the few people in many developed countries, land resources is an advantage, they use modern techniques of agricultural scale, specialized production management, production cost of grain and other staple agricultural products. In China, land resources are limited, people will be less, small-scale production, diseconomies of scale combined with the traditional agricultural technology, agricultural products, especially grain, cotton, oil production costs high, and low quality, low economic专业翻译公司服务最好的 efficiency. Therefore, the limited scarce resources should be used in areas most likely to produce benefits to make full use of WTO "Agreement on Agriculture" lowering tariffs and reducing non-tariff barriers and other measures, a reasonable increase in the foreign food and other such resources intensive (land-intensive) products of imports. This is actually equivalent to the import of land resources, make a large number of state-owned land on the development of our international competitiveness of agricultural products.
China's large population, abundant labor resources, and relatively cheap labor, so we placed to develop labor-intensive products, and expand its exports, such as livestock products, aquatic products, fruits, vegetables, flowers, etc. Exports of these products actually equal to the output of labor resources, the labor income earned.