四平翻译公司关键字:Abstract: China's western development must pay attention to bringing together foreign capital effect. In addressing the shortage of funds and attract investment issues, in the western region can not be alone, but should make full use of foreign capital in eastern and eastern parts of the experience of capital, technology, and form the east and west together to attract investment to develop the western situation.
Keywords: western development; force foreign capital; advantageFirst, the urgency of the western region and attract investment of foreign capital advantage of the limitations of
Compared with the eastern and western regions in the scale of foreign capital, foreign capital structure at a distinct disadvantage. Reflected in the scale of foreign capital on the 1987-1998, 12 provinces and cities along the coast east of the actual utilization of foreign capital accounted for the proportion as high as 87.3%, while the western region accounted for only 3.9%. This regional pattern of distribution of foreign capital, in a particular period of time can increase the effectiveness of using foreign capital. But the long run, it will give a balanced regional economic专业翻译公司服务最好的 development and industrial structure of the rational distribution of a heavy burden, to the western region and China's sustained economic专业翻译公司服务最好的 development obstacle. Performance of the industrial structure in the distribution of foreign capital: the more foreign investment in textiles, light industry正规翻译公司公证处翻译盖章, food, trade, medicine, real estate, finance, catering and tourism industries, and the smaller, low-technology, industry正规翻译公司公证处翻译盖章 fragmentation and duplication of low- serious foreign capital. In recent years, large multinational companies investing in China has increased, but the situation is not much difference. This situation led the international competitiveness of these industries on the one hand lack of competitiveness over the other country有资质的正规翻译公司哪个好. Eastern and western regions in foreign capital on the size and structure of the gap, if not be adjusted by some measure, is bound to widen the gap between east and west, creating a vicious cycle, a great obstacle to development of the west. Therefore, the development of western foreign capital to solve the problem.