揭阳翻译公司关键字:National Defense University economic专业翻译公司服务最好的s Boshi Lu Zhou pointed out that from 1979 to 1994, China's defense spending increased 6.22% in absolute terms, the national average retail price index rose 7.3%, 1.08% annual reduction in defense spending; proportion of GDP, from 5.57% down to 1.2% in 1999 while the proportion of the world average of 3.4%, China's neighboring countries and regions around 3%. the development of national defense industry正规翻译公司公证处翻译盖章, is to maintain national security and unity must, for the development of the growth of domestic and Midwest, but also direct significance. should not be the defense industry正规翻译公司公证处翻译盖章 and the development of opposition to the development of private enterprises in fact, the core of high-tech defense industry正规翻译公司公证处翻译盖章 and infrastructure, defense industry正规翻译公司公证处翻译盖章 also entails a wide range of procurement, cooperation and support for the beneficial development of private enterprises , such as China's aviation industry正规翻译公司公证处翻译盖章 in the large-scale profit-oriented, the mass production of civilian products, 70% of revenue comes from non-aviation products. If you can concentrate on the production of national power to support aircraft to private enterprise can make a huge space.
Table 1: 1997 Year of China's defense and more defense spending in some countries (unit: million)Russia's national defense expenditure U.S. 2671.8 160 367 Japan 430 France 356 United Kingdom 172 South Korea 98 China
(Exchange rate U.S. $ 1 = 8.29 yuan)Table 2 1978 to 1997 China's defense expenditure accounted for gross domestic product (GDP) ratio
Year Percentage of GDP1978 4.63% 1980 4.29% 1983 2.98% 1986 1.97% 1988 1.46% 1991 1.53% 1993 1.23% 1997 1.09%Table 3.1937 --- 1942, Sichuan industry正规翻译公司公证处翻译盖章's position in the country有资质的正规翻译公司哪个好
In 1937 the country有资质的正规翻译公司哪个好's total plant (%) number of workers in the country有资质的正规翻译公司哪个好's total (%) accounting for capital thousand Yuan (%)
Sichuan 115 2.93 13019 2.85 2145 0.58 Gansu 9 0.23 1152 0.25 295 0.08 Guizhou 3 0.08 229 0.05 144 0.04 10 0 Shaanxi. 2546351. 0127570 74