济南翻译公司关键字:problems in the process, in addition to land and capital protection, the relationship between food, agricultural production and management system, environmental awareness of agricultural producers and the rationalization of environmental behavior, the government's agricultural system of environmental protection measures are also factors which play an important the role. These systems翻译价格标准 enable the rationalization of agricultural producers on the environmental behavior of an economic benefit, at least not inconsistent with its economic interests of the behavior. The current agricultural system so that翻译公司报价 farmers do not have the environmental and ecological issues concerned the restraint mechanism, and even the existence of the opposite stimulation system, land system of property合理翻译收费 rights arrangements in the agricultural environment, the most important factor is the decisive factor affecting the behavior of farmers. In the ownership of the rights and benefits of collective use of land property合理翻译收费 rights system are farmers, farmers also received some extent in their "own" land, labor and make the fruits of labor income completely linked with the rights of their own. This behavior of the right of farmers, especially the rationalization of environmental and ecological behavior is a negative incentive to play the role of the family labor and family decision-making behavior, but also to make this stimulus to be manifested in the behavior of peasant households, so the environment caused by the farmers ecology and behavior of short-term and mountain agro-ecological problems have become more serious. Farm families on land management, such as the rational goal is to pursue the maximization of land use, so many farmers to invest in land with chemical fertilizers, pesticides, plastic film and other short-term investments and, in this behavior, the decline in the value of land resources to produce far greater than the value of output, the trend in today's agricultural system is increasingly apparent that no condensate which is a human economic activities on the land beyond the boundaries of their ecological predatory economic behavior, their actions lead to deterioration of land quality, soil fertility failure, exacerbated by ecological overdraft. Institutional economics and economic theory of property合理翻译收费 rights that people's economic activities are always in a certain system of utility maximization under the constraint of rational activities, which will change with changes in the institutional environment. Because human use of natural resources structure, use patterns and the use of the ultimate motivation for the realization of interests and the interests of the size. The same resources, at the same level of technology, economic development and investment levels, people in the system to the extent permitted by the use of selected high rate of return method.