常州翻译公司关键字:Improve the agricultural agency relationship, improve operational efficiency of the agricultural land system ReflectionsChina's rural land system and the principal-agent relationship between the deterioration of the disorder, leading to land in trouble operating system, which despite its flaws agency relationship factors, the root cause lies in the lack of security related systems翻译价格标准. Improve the agricultural agency relationship, to improve the operational efficiency of the land system of land ownership clearly lies in the establishment and improvement of agricultural land market翻译市场行情价格多少钱 system, and on this basis build a standard principal-agent systems翻译价格标准 (A) clear land rights: defining property合理翻译收费 rights, clear property合理翻译收费 boundariesClear property合理翻译收费 rights are the exclusive property合理翻译收费 rights protection and configuration of the premise. Currently, the key to clear agricultural land ownership, one clearly defined ownership of agricultural land ownership, the second is a clear boundary space of collective property合理翻译收费 rights. Respect the history and reality, the ownership of agricultural land should be clear to the main farmers. Historically, land reform, the establishment of private ownership of land of farmers. Co-operative land cooperatives formed by all, in essence, is a joint common to all farmers, and ultimately ownership remain with the farmers. Is the essence of all farmers, all co-operatives are collective farmers under economic conditions of all forms. Land because it was the farmers in cooperatives did not give up ownership of the land, but only to give up all of the individual state, making it a joint all. The collective is all the manifestations of this joint, is a joint agency to exercise the collective farmers commissioned by the village land ownership. In the contract responsibility system, farmers did not change the essence of all. Zhou Qi Ren believes that land reform in the country free access to the farmers through land ownership, farmers rely on the legality of ownership of the national will, when the country will change, as can be given free of charge, will be deprived without compensation. Therefore, the collectivization changed the nature