贵阳翻译公司关键字:companies and property合理翻译收费 rights trading market翻译市场行情价格多少钱 intermediaries to achieve investment diversification, hotel industry groups to achieve the flow of the stock of assets and value. China's hotel industry groups to improve and protect the property合理翻译收费 rights of intangible resources, capabilities, achieve tangible and intangible resources, property合理翻译收费 rights, and actively introduce strategic investors with capital strength, capital and brand promotion, management of capital and combination of Sworn: Group financial groups to shape the hotel industryCompetition in the market翻译市场行情价格多少钱 economy is ultimately a talent competition, China's hotel industry group to survive the fierce market翻译市场行情价格多少钱 competition and development, we should vigorously promote the development of super-normal group, they should cultivate a large number of highly qualified professional as soon as the financial elite. In the past few decades, the role of the hotel industry financial officers did not receive due attention and play, the main financial management services for the hotel to the daily operation and management, finance staff to meet the daily internal accounting and financial analysis. This is clearly no longer suitable to meet the market翻译市场行情价格多少钱 economy and th financial work of the higher demands.China's hotel industry as a group of financial experts, should establish a modern financial management, from different angles, all-round thinking about financial issues, from the perspective of a more open perspective and a high degree of social sectors of China's regional allocation of resources from which to seek equity capital flows potentially huge profits. Hotel Industry Group is a complex financial expert should be high-quality talent, should have complete control of the hotel industry property合理翻译收费 transactions related to capital market翻译市场行情价格多少钱 information, careful analysis, fine rigorous planning; should have the ability to operate on the capital market翻译市场行情价格多少钱 and the relevant laws and relationships aspects of skills; should consult with the state-owned asset management experts and market翻译市场行情价格多少钱 intermediaries closely with property合理翻译收费 rights for the hotel industry investment group together to complete the pre-operational survey, market翻译市场行情价格多少钱 assessment, program design, negotiation, resource restructuring high professional work.
Shaping the hotel industry group financial group, is to promote full access to assets of China's hotel industry property合理翻译收费 rights