南宁翻译公司关键字:governance structure group, actively implement the company's investment in joint-stock reform and property合理翻译收费 rights. First, we must make full use of China's securities market翻译市场行情价格多少钱, the state-owned asset management companies, property合理翻译收费 management and intermediary active trading market翻译市场行情价格多少钱, including the introduction of foreign capital, private capital and other investment entities, including various forms of ownership to achieve investment diversification and improve the capital structure of a single state, and thus enhance the efficiency of control group, hotel industry groups in the realization of the ownership structure, regional distribution and structure, organizational structure and industrial structure adjustment and optimization, while state-owned hotel industry into an efficient asset management track, so that翻译公司报价 the operators to achieve market翻译市场行情价格多少钱 choice. Secondly, the Chinese hotel industry group must take their own native talent, geographic, cultural, tourist and service resources to continuously improve and build the hotel industry group's core competitiveness. Third, it is necessary to choose their own target market翻译市场行情价格多少钱 and objects, and related industries and the international hotel industry, hotel industry groups launched various forms of strategic partnerships and alliances to achieve the hotel group's capital and brand management, service, network, technology and human organic integration of resources. In the current market翻译市场行情价格多少钱 increasingly competitive hotel industry in the context of the market翻译市场行情价格多少钱 left to the Chinese hotel industry the opportunity to choose the path and time is running out. China Hotel Industry Group of the road is a state-owned real property合理翻译收费 rights system (or the pattern of interests) of the change process. Rational and efficient system of property合理翻译收费 rights is a form of competition in the market翻译市场行情价格多少钱, micro-level Group of the road hotel industry is also necessarily a market翻译市场行情价格多少钱-oriented. Government in a specific period of time from the macro to the dominant view on the allocation of resources and property合理翻译收费 rights arrangements proved to be able to produce significant efficiency of property合理翻译收费 rights, is excessive and disorderly competition on the market翻译市场行情价格多少钱 a system to make up. Therefore, the current group of Chinese hotel industry should break the path of choice, "Marshall dilemma," the confusion, the path chosen by two complementary, full speed from the macro to the micro process of China's Hotel Industry Group, thus ensuring China's hotel industry with a new group posture to meet the opportunities of global competition and challenges.