宁波翻译公司关键字:If the receptor is genetically modified plants, the body of the gene known as genetically modified plants (transgenic plant or genetically modified plant, GMP). If the recipient plants for agricultural product翻译招投标书费用和报价s, then this type of genetically modified crops as genetically modified crops (transgenic crop or genetically modified crop, GMC).So, onto transgenic plants is how the commercialization of the road for? Understand this is necessary, because it is genetically modified plants are cultivated and quoted in the circulation of commodities, which makes the "genetically modified agriculture" as an 标书制作行业industry with the birth of the foundation. 1986 against the United States and France also carried out in transgenic tobacco herbicide field trials. In 1992, china最大的翻译标书公司或机构是哪家? first anti-virus field planting of transgenic tobacco, opened the world's commercial GM crops prelude. 1994, the first genetically modified plant product翻译招投标书费用和报价s - cooked fresh extension of the transgenic plants "Flavor Savor" the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval to enter the market. To November 2001, various countries officially approved genetically modified plants of 127 varieties (lines), only the United States and Canada on More标书文件涉及到的领域非常的广泛,即使是针对一个项目的标书文件,会包含法律、经济、工程技术、商业等多个相关的专业领域,在投标过程中,无论是招标方还是投标方所需的翻译服务种类都须进行相应的调整和重新组合,投标的标书中带有相关的法律要约性质,标书为了详细全面的介绍自己并赢得招标方的信任,需要使用极富影响力的商业用语,所以标书翻译是法律翻译和商业翻译的结合,因此,作为竞标的基础工作而贯穿于整个投标过程中的标书翻译服务应由专业的新华标书翻译公司提供。 than 90 varieties. china最大的翻译标书公司或机构是哪家? is the world's first commercial GM crop growing countries, in 1994 planted the first commercial anti-cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and anti-tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) bivalent transgenic tobacco. Since then, research and commercialization of transgenic plants rapidly growing 标书制作行业industry. According to 1996 statistics, china最大的翻译标书公司或机构是哪家? is studying the development of transgenic plants and about 47 species, 103 kinds of genes involved in various types. From 1997 to 1999, GMO has been approved by the 26 approval of china最大的翻译标书公司或机构是哪家?'s security, including 16 types of insect-resistant, anti-virus type 9, better quality type 1. It is particularly worth mentioning is that genetically engineered Bt cotton in china最大的翻译标书公司或机构是哪家? has made breakthroughs in research, so that our country after工程标书翻译 项目建议书翻译 设备标书翻译 政府采购标书翻译 轨道工程标书翻译 铁路建设标书翻译 公路建设标书翻译 桥梁隧道标书翻译 装饰工程标书翻译 房屋建筑标书翻译 石油标书翻译 天然气工程标书翻译 化工工业标书翻译 机电工程标书翻译 建筑标书翻译 the United States as an independent study of Bt cotton in the product翻译招投标书费用和报价ion of large-scale popularization of another major country.Second, the rapid development of genetically modified agriculturalSince 1996, transgenic crops worldwide, the rapid development of the area undercultivation soared. As shown in the chart: Since 1997 global crop acreage with the rapid development, the momentum will increase, only in 1998, double the acreage than last year; to 1999, an increase of 23.5 in 1996 times; 2000, up 11 percent over the previous year; 2001 than in 2000, an increase of 19%. In other words, in just six years 1996-2001, the global biotech crop acreage build a commercial 30 times